Dependent Claws

Michael Conniff
Con Games
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2008

A listener writes the Con Man:
One of the ruses employed by in-the-know illegals (and they are as a group surprisingly “in the know”) is to claim a large number of dependents because this increases the net size of their weekly paycheck. This works well for them insamuch as they often have no intent whatsoever to ever file an income tax return because it is their plan to have moved on to another employer, and another, and each and every time they arrange to have the least amount of money deducted from their checks….after all when tax time comes, they don’t care that their single status would require that they make up the less than appropriately withheld difference…they won’t be filing or paying taxes anyway. In other words, the only shot that the government gets at their income is through the deductions that come in for each pay period, and this little maneuver has side stepped that access to those taxes rightfully due from the illegal.
This strategy allows the illegal to get his hands on a little bit (sometimes more than just a “little”) of extra cash at paycheck time, which will often find its’ way back to Mexico via a Money-Gram or whatever.

This elementary trick along with a number of other strategies, not the least which is the fact that many of these folks live twenty or twenty-five to a house that might otherwise hold at the most perhaps six and more often only four or five, all help to reduce the individual overhead of each illegal, and in part allow working at rates that just won’t work for the otherwise “average” citizen.

After all, I could probably house fifty people in my house, if I wanted or needed to help out with my own overhead at the expense of what I consider to be a “civilized” lifestyle. In fact when I consider the size of my latest property tax bill, the prospect has some merit, given that I were willing to surrender what I feel is my own modest attempt at living out the “American Dream.” On top of that, I suspect my neighbors would all suffer coronaries should I opt for that approach, not to mention that Pitkin County would more than likely jump on my case as well. But of course, not-to-worry if Carbondale just splits at the seams with over utilized housing (just for an instance of comparison)….what the hell, it’s only Carbondale.

Love but no kisses….

