Texas School Book Aspostasy

Michael Conniff
Con Games
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2010


Michael Conniff The Texas School Book Depository has seen fit to assasinate history as we know it and nearly 5 million kids are doomed to ignorance for at least another ten years. Talk about a natural disaster! Friday at 7:49pm ·


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Sydney Hastings
Luucccy… ju got some ‘splainin to do….

Friday at 8:05pm ·

Ted Bristol
We need more details. What is the rant????

Friday at 9:29pm ·

Michael Ireland
Please, don’t you really think excluding Thomas jefferson is a really good idea for shortening history books? So many ideas, so little time!

Friday at 10:28pm ·

Ted Bristol
Ireland, I hope you are being factitious, otherwise you are even more scare then thought.

Yesterday at 2:12pm ·

Michael Ireland
Just check out what the Texas Board of education has required of its text books! I don’t think Jefferson rates a mention.

Yesterday at 8:48pm ·

Michael Conniff
This is very good news for Rand Paul because the entire civil rights movment, lunchounters and all, can be whitewashed with the stroke of a pen.

11 minutes ago

