The Concave Echo-Concave Finance Weekly Newsletter

Concave Echo
Published in
8 min readDec 6, 2021

Sunday 5 December 2021

Hello Miners! This marks the start of our first community driven weekly newsletter for Concave Finance, the Concave Echo!

The Concave Echo is a weekly newsletter where we recap the most recent developments in the Concave, while highlighting some of the amazing contributions from the community. Now without further ado, let us get started!


  • The Ethos of Concave
  • The Ten Cavemandments
  • Team Interview with Andy
  • Community Made NFT Drops
  • Community led research on OHM Forks
  • Other Community Contributions

The Ethos of Concave

Early on into the creation of Concave, one word was unearthed that would shape the core of what Concave is, Coopetition. Unlike normal competition, Coopetition is a strategy where everyone works on what they are strong at to reach a common goal together. We have seen this community collaboration in all facets of Concave, like the mind boggling research that goes on at the Research Center, the community made memes that make us chuckle, and the sick beat drops that happen in the Culture channels. The sheer talent and unbridled passion from our community is inspiring, and we have completed a year’s worth of work in the span of a few days. We are truly grateful to every miner who helps to make this community special. When we hear the calls of WAGMI echo along the lines, we know you sincerely mean it.

The Ten Cavemandments

While the community miners were digging our new civilization one shaft at a time, the core miners requested members to complete various assignments. One request that the core team made to the community miners was to create a list of rules for the Concave underground city. This historic document would be named The Ten Cavemandments. The Documentators got to work collaborating on the rules and principles of Concave. Here are the rules that the community settled on.

  1. Thou shalt not call Concave a fork but thy spoon
  2. Thou shalt be engaging, friendly and helpful to fellow miners
  3. Thou shall have no fear in exploring the depths of the Cave
  4. Thou shalt read and be learned of all scriptures pertaining to the Cave
  5. Thou shalt honor thy forefathers- thy mods and devs
  6. Thou shalt not let others be poor, but share with them gospel of Cave
  7. Thou shalt not spread the word of fear, doubt, nor uncertainty
  8. Thou shalt strive to be a lord of memes in the Cave
  9. Thou shalt never reveal lustful imagery outside the #nsfw-culture walls
  10. Thou shalt inscribe the memories of the cave to never be forgotten

You can read through the full document here.

Team Interview with Andy

A strong community needs a strong core, and the mining core has been busy at work getting Concave Finance to be a powerhouse in the DeFi space. We wanted to drop by and have a short interview with Andy, one of our core miners.

What is your background?

I’ve worn many hats in my professional career. I was a chef for several years before eventually moving on to study Computer Engineering at the University of [redacted]-[redacted]. Currently, I’m a Solutions Engineer at an enterprise software company.

How did you learn about Concave? (I assume you were part of making it so maybe how were you inspired to make concave) I met most of the group several years ago online through video games and mutual friends. I’ve been looking for an escape from the wage cage for years, and when I was offered a position on the team I didn’t hesitate to join. Knowing how deep the talent pool runs within the community, it was a no-brainer.

What are your personal hobbies? I’m a perpetual student, in any spare time I have I’m typically doing some form of research or learning. On a normal day, I’m usually studying at least one course through sites like Udemy or MIT OpenCourseWare. Past that, I’m either blowing off steam in the gym or you can infrequently catch me on League of Legends, Sea of Thieves, or Valorant.

How do you envision Concave Finance in the future? You don’t have to spend more than a few minutes in #Documentation to see we are going places. I imagine in the not too distant future we see the Concave team grow exponentially to support an enormous, driven community of professional engineers, designers, marketers, meme artists, and everything else. With that in mind, I fully expect the Concave community to dictate the flow of the DeFi movement.

What is a goal that you would like to achieve? Personally, I want to see everyone involved with the community make it. I firmly believe we have the capacity to get there, and so long as the community continues to produce the top-notch content that we see day in and day out, there’s no reason the Concave spoon can’t feed us all.

Community Made NFT Drops

One area that the Concave community has been eager to explore is NFTs, and many community members couldn’t keep their excitement under control so the community decided to make their own. We have five community led NFT projects that are being released as part of the official Concave NFT collection. Here is an introduction to each of them.

Note: A portion of funds generated from Official Concave NFT collection sales will be sent to the Concave Treasury.

Ponpave NFT Collection

The Ponpave NFT collection is a Profile Picture NFT collection that draws inspiration from bot Pepe memes and Concave. This project was created by the French community with passion and love. The Ponpave characters will appear in a game that is currently in development. The collection will be released on Opensea and Rarible.

The Concave Spoon NFTs

The Concave Spoon NFT collection is a project that encapsulates the Concave spirit with a beautiful collection of Concave spoons that miners can use to mine with. There will be 4317 pieces of spoons in this collection as a way to pay homage to the generative art pioneers over at the Colors. The collection will be released on Opensea.

Universe of Concave

The Universe of Concave is an NFT collection created as a joint effort between two miners from the French Community, Damdam and Leto. The NFTs were created as inspiration as the two were writing out their thesis on the way to getting the Philosopher role in Concave. They write “All the elements have a meaning, nothing is done at random.” The NFT collection is available for purchase on Opensea.

Spoon Cave

Spoon cave is a collection of 10,000 generated NFTs created by a self organizing community group in Concave. Spoon Cave was created by a group of individuals who passionately believe in spoons and have no forks in their lives. You can take a look at the website for more information here.

Secret NFT Project

One community member created a commemorative NFT artwork that is essentially a beautiful snapshot of the culture channel of Concave. The community member has offered this NFT to the team, and we are looking at cool ways to offer this work of art to the community that inspired it.

We will have a separate article with more information on the NFT projects that will be coming out soon so please look forward to that!

Community led research on OHM Forks

On November 30th, Wookie requested the miners focus on one of the most substantial tasks for the project. The community was requested to create a list of OHM forks and perform a benefit and risk analysis to see which OHM forks Concave should establish connections with. This was a gargantuan task, but the Concave community stepped up to take the challenge. This master fork list is the culmination of the hard work, talent, and dedication from the mining community.

It contains comprehensive analysis, including Bond Control Variables, Growth Metrics over Time, Team Analysis, and Smart Contract Risk Analysis. The miners who put in substantial work in this document earned the Policy role, a prestigious role that is only given to skilled miners who are knowledgeable in this field. Over 160 miners have participated in creating this amazing collaborative document. You can take a look at the sheet here.

Miner of the Week

This week’s Miner of the Week goes to DeFi Dagoth (∞)#6969 who has written a prayer about Concave for Hard Rock Nick to read. Dagoth reigns from Brazil and is currently busy with a full time job and University. He remembers to say his Gm and Gm everyday and helps the people over in General when he has the time. Dagoth frequents Crypto Twitter often and likes to play strategy games like Crusader Kings. Dagoth is interested in European medieval history, as well as Roman history since its the basis of western civilization. He enjoys the lore of interesting games such as the Elder Scrolls series.

You can see the amazing video that Dagoth commissioned here.

Other Community Contributions

The Community Contribution section is a place where we share the some of the amazing work of our mining community. Here are some of the brilliant projects that our community has created this past week.

Meme Newspaper

Compilation credit to Stay Fancy#0333

The Meme community in Concave has been on fire ever since the server started. Here is a compilation of some of the community creations that has shown up over the past few days.

Phi Club Findings

Over at the Phi Club, our mining philosophers have been hard at work with research and theory crafting to figure out what Concave is. The research and writing that they have done is frankly astounding. Here are some excerpts to show you how amazing some of these papers are.

“The statistical properties of spectator forks in an OHM protocol are determined by the FP equation corresponding to the concave equation.

∂tP = LFPP ≡ 1 3Hinf ∂φ V 0P + H3 inf 8π 2 ∂ 2 φP

Where LFP denotes the FP operator. The FP equation admits a unique equilibrium distribution.

Peq(φ) ∝ exp[−8π 2V (φ)/(3H4 inf)

provided that the scalar potential increases at large cash values.

The spatial profile of a fork can then be derived from its temporal evolution using bonding, which maps inflation intervals to deflation intervals.


“What does Concave, a Möbius strip of DeFi look like in 3D space? Is there any way to know? Yes there is! Remember how it was mentioned that the fundamental group of a Möbius strip is {+1, -1}? It turns out that this fundamental group is homeomorphic to the fundamental group of integers. This means that there is an equivalence relationship between the Möbius strip and integers, specifically odd, unique prime numbers p,q.”


I hope you understand these research papers better than I do.

Concave Made Sick Beats

Concave doesn’t just have good writers and meme miners; we also have some talented miners that can make some sick beats. Take a listen to Rane#2856’s amazing rap song, Concave Come Up right here. 🎧

Concave Emojis & Art

Every community miner needs some emojis and art to use, right? The community created a fantastic list of Concave Emojis & Art for your usage. You can see this list here.

Those contributions are just the tip of the mineshaft of what our community has been able to get done these past few days.

That’s all for this week miners — we hope you enjoyed this week’s issue of the Concave Lens and look forward to bringing you the next one.


