About Me

Vanessa Vergara
Concerning Myself
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2014

Truthfully, if you had asked me about myself in person, our conversation would have lasted for mere seconds.

I am a pessimist. My emotions are extremely fickle and easily malleable. My default moods are of guilt and anxiety. However, I am further than I was before.

I am an introvert. I find speaking tiring. Laughing is easier.

I am a photographer. However, I do not like being in pictures. I have a desire to fade into the background.

I am a dreamer. I love to hope. I want to believe that one day there will be no conflicts or war.

I am a student. I love to learn. I am fascinated by the natural sciences and by human mentality.

I have a desire to do my part in this world. Somehow.

