Pharo Days 2015

January 29 & 30, Lille, France

Sven VC
Concerning Pharo


The Pharo Days were a great success, more than 75 people attended, in a cool mix of young & old, familiar & new faces. Thank you! The Pharo Community rocks.

Here are links to video recordings of the talks and their accompanying slides:
Video Recordings
Slides on SlideShare
Slides as PDF Files

Start the year in the right spirit by joining the Pharo community for the Pharo Days 2015 on Thursday January 29 and Friday January 30 at INRIA, Lille, France. Meet your online colleagues, programmers and hackers in real life and experience how much you can pick up in just two days. Learn about key technologies, talk to core developers and other users, pair program and contribute to Pharo. Have fun and enjoy yourself.

Each day has a similar schedule. The morning consists of a handful of twenty minute tech talks, the afternoon is a coding sprint and open pair programming workspace. There will be a general assembly of both the Pharo Consortium and the Pharo Association. On the first days there will be a parallel Getting Started with Pharo tutorial in the afternoon.

The very first Pharo conference took place in Annecy in February 2011. In May 2012 the second Pharo Conference took place, over two days, in Lille. It was a huge success, with about 60 people participating. It had a very positive effect on the community and on those who participated. In April 2013 there was a third well attended Pharo Conference in Bern. In June 2013, there was also a successful Web specific Pharo one-day event in Lille. Join us again this time.


Thursday January 29

08:30–09:00 — Registration and Welcome — Project Expo

09:00–09:20 — Welcome (Stéphane D)
09:20–09:40 — Pharo State Of The Union (Stéphane D — Marcus D)
09:40–09:45 — Q & A
09:45–10:15 — The GT-Tools Revolution (Andrei C — Aliaksei S — Juraj K)
10:15–10:20 — Q & A

10:20–10:40 — Break — Project Expo

10:40–11:00 — Using Spec to Build a UI (Johan F)
11:00–11:05 — Q & A
11:05–11:15 — Using Pillar to Write Documentation (Stéphane D)
11:15–11:25 — What Spur Will Bring to You (Esteban L)
11:25–11:30 — Q & A
11:30–11:50 — Interfacing with Native Libraries (Esteban L)
11:50–11:55 — Q & A

12:00–13:30 — Lunch — Project Expo

13:30–14:30 — How to contribute to Pharo (Marcus D)
14:30–18:00 — Coding Sprint 1 + Free Open Pair Programming

13:30–16:00 — Getting Started with Pharo Workshop

16:30–17:30 — Pharo Consortium General Assembly

19:00–21:00 — Social Event & Lunch

21:00–00:00 — Night Time Hacking

Friday January 30

08:45–09:00 — Welcome — Project Expo

09:00–09:30 — Pharo Planning(Stéphane D)
09:30–09:50 — Connecting to Databases (Norbert H — Guillermo P)
09:50–09:55 — Q & A
09:55–10:15 — Source Code & Configuration Management (Thierry G)
10:15–10:20 — Q & A

10:20–10:40 — Break — Project Expo

10:40–11:00 — Options for Building Web Apps (Johan B — Esteban L)
11:00–11:05 — Q & A
11:05–11:25 — Graphics and Visualisation (Yuriy T — Guillaume L — Alain P)
11:25–11:30 — Q & A
11:30–11:50 — Publishing Libraries and Frameworks (Sven VC)
11:50–11:55 — Q & A

12:00–13:30 — Lunch — Project Expo

13:30–14:30 — Free Presentations — Show Your Project
14:30–18:00 — Coding Sprint 2 + Free Open Pair Programming

16:30–17:30 — Pharo Association General Assembly

Tech Talks

The Tech Talks are short and fast paced overviews and demos of things you can do with Pharo. Here are some more details about each of them.

Tech Talk 1 — The GT-Tools Revolution

In Pharo 4, the Inspector and Playground from the Glamorous Toolkit (a part of the larger Moose Technology stack) are now the default. These deceptively simple tools create a small revolution in the way you can look at objects, in large part because they allow you to easily write your own presentations (views).

Tech Talk 2 — Using Spec to Build a UI

Writing classic user interface inside Pharo can be a daunting task. Spec is a framework that makes it easier to quickly write and reuse UIs in a declarative way by making them composable and customisable.

Tech Talk 3a — Using Pillar to Write Documentation

Documentation at various levels is extremely important. The Pillar toolkit consists of a markup syntax and a toolset written in Pharo to output HTML, Markdown, Latex and PDF documents.

Tech Talk 3b — What Spur Will Bring to You

Spur is a major change and addition to the Virtual Machine infrastructure.

Tech Talk 4 — Interfacing with Native Libraries

Being able to easily connect to native OS libraries is crucial. Pharo offers several options to do this.

Tech Talk 5 — Connecting to Databases

It is possible to connect to relational and NoSQL databases to persist your data. This talk surveys the various options that are available.

Tech Talk 6 — Source Code & Configuration Management

Professional use of Pharo for software development requires the use of both a good source code management and of a good configuration management solution. Monticello and Metacello are the parts of Pharo to do just these two tasks. And they integrate well with git workflows.

Tech Talk 7 — Options for Building Web Applications

Web application have taken over a large part of the world. There are various technology stacks available to build web application in Pharo.

Tech Talk 8 — Graphics and Visualisation

One of the strong points of Pharo are its accessible graphics and high level visualisation tools. Get ready for some dazzling pictures.

Tech Talk 9 — Publishing Libraries and Frameworks

As a software development platform, Pharo has to enable and nurture a large set of third party libraries and frameworks. The Pharo eco system offers various free tools to make is possible to write, publish and maintain high quality code.


A Pharo Sprint is an activity where a number of developers get together to resolve issues and contribute to the system. There will be two sprints, each time in the afternoon. For the Pharo Days we will start the sprints with an introduction and overview of the Pharo development process. Learn about slices, continuous integration, the monkey, the git export and the build process.

General Assembly

The Pharo Consortium and the Pharo Association are organisations that support the development of Pharo — the first one for companies and other large entities, the second for individuals. During the Pharo Days we will hold a general assembly meeting for both.

Getting Started with Pharo Workshop

In the afternoon of the first day there will be a ‘Getting Started with Pharo’ tutorial for those who feel their basic practical knowledge and skills of working with Pharo needs a boost. Expect the level of the ‘Pharo by Example’ book, we’ll start easy and then go fast.

Free Open Pair Programming

It is natural and productive to sit together with someone else to do some pair programming and hacking. It is amazing how much you can learn from other Pharo developers. On the Pharo Days we make explicit room for this activity.

Project Expo

Events like the Pharo Days are an ideal opportunity to show what you have been working on. For this there will be a continuous Project Expo, where a table and a presentation board give you a little platform to show us your work.


The Pharo Days are a two day event with catering included (2 lunches, 1 diner, drinks and snacks) in a nice environment with full facilities (main room, auxiliary rooms, office furtniture and wireless network).

€ 199 — Regular
€ 149 — For individual Pharo Association Members
€ 89 — For individual Pharo Gold Association Members
€ 89 — For Pharo Consortium Members (1, 2 or 4 for bronze, silver or gold)
€ 39 — Students (excluding diner)
€ 19 — Student Volunteers (excluding diner)


For official registration we are using EventBrite. You can buy tickets using PayPal and hence any credit card. If absolutely necessary, you can opt for an off line payment. Please register on time.

For social registration you can use Lanyrd or Doodle. Spread the word:

All Photographs by Marcus Denker — The Pharo Days 2015 are organised by the Pharo Community, the Pharo Board, the Pharo Consortium and the Pharo Association with support from INRIA and ESUG.

We’ll update this page moving forward. You can ask questions on the any of the Pharo mailing lists or you can email the Pharo Board.



Sven VC
Concerning Pharo

loves high-level, dynamic and interactive object-oriented systems