HotelHummingbird Release

Brian Michalski
Concerto Signage
Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2013

After a few hiccups along the way (like the mysterious 0.5.0.GolfOtter release), we’re ready to share 0.6.0.HotelHummingbird with you. It’s been over a month since our last release and we’ve been busy at work making the experience a bit snappier and improving the Add Content form. To get started, you can find our installation to get started in our Github wiki.

Since you likely missed out on the 0.5.0.GolfOtter release you also missed a new background processing model which should make Dynamic Content processing much more robust and reliable. Concerto now includes a script to kick off background processing using something like sudo /etc/init.d/concerto start and manage the background workers just like you would a regular process.

Some notable changes include:

  • Textile support in the Ticker Text field.
  • Frontend support for subdirectories, like /concerto/frontend/1.
  • Slightly better garbage collection in the frontend.
  • New background processing model.
  • New feed selector, system-wide.
  • New templated creation / editing workflow.
  • New content creation experience with preview support.

You can find the full list of changes between our last announced release and this one here. Please get in touch with us via our group or issue tracker if you come across a bug or have a feature suggestion for us!

Originally published at on August 12, 2013.



Brian Michalski
Concerto Signage

Engineer @ Google working on Maps + Cloud (@GMapsPlatform). Open Source [Digital Signage, Vehicle Tracking] Developer.