The Stigma Behind Hearing Loss

Concha Labs
Concha Labs
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2019

Hearing is a sense that allows us to build relationships with those around us, and explore new ideas about the world. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 40.12 million people in the United States were recorded to have some level of hearing loss in 2020. More research shows that 95% of hearing loss cases might be helped with technologies such as hearing aids. However, less than 20% of these cases take action to find help for their hearing condition.

The existing stigma behind hearing loss is one of the culprits holding people back from finding answers. Many people might not want to wear hearing aids due to the typical image of hearing aids and hearing loss that has been construed by the public throughout time.

For example, hearing loss tends to be associated with traits such as old age. Plus, many believe that wearing hearing aids will bring attention to their condition, which is something they may not be ready for. Some may see hearing aids as bulky and unattractive, partly due to the fact that advertisements for hearing aids focus on the appearance of hearing aids versus how hearing aids can help someone. On top of that, people without hearing loss might express unnecessary opinions about hearing conditions, which could deter their peers from getting aid.

These social constructs can play a huge role in discouraging people from using hearing aids and other hearing technologies before even trying them. We can all take action to help overcome this stigma.

The first step is to educate yourself about various hearing conditions and the role hearing aids play in helping those with hearing loss. Talk openly to others about the misconceptions in this space. New technologies are developing everyday, and conducting research around them can provide more solutions for hearing loss users, as opposed to a single stereotypical option. These things can create a new societal understanding of hearing loss and hearing aids, which might encourage those with a potential hearing condition to speak openly about it.

At Concha Labs, we are doing our own part to battle the stigma around hearing loss. Concha Labs has created nearly invisible hearing aids in a less expensive manner, that you can purchase from our website and access in the comfort of your own home. With our technology, you can control how clear your hearing sounds. We help you create a personalized sound profile that can easily be modified wherever you go, without the need for multiple appointments and high expenses.

We can all do our part to be advocates for those with hearing conditions and, as a society, overcome the stigma of hearing loss together.

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Resources used:

  1. “The Stigma of Hearing Loss.” Sound Relief Hearing Center, 20 Mar. 2019,
  2. McCormick, Beth. “Overcoming the Stigma Associated with Hearing Loss.” Starkey Hearing Technologies, 26 Feb. 2014,
  3. “Overcoming Social Stigmas of Hearing Aids.” Healthy Hearing, 23 Aug. 2013,
  4. Goman, Adele M, et al. “Addressing Estimated Hearing Loss in Adults in 2060.” JAMA Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery, American Medical Association, July 2017,

Photograph by Hayes Potter on Unsplash

