Republicans Walk Straight Into the Supreme Court Trap. Biden Slams the Door Shut

Shankar Narayan
Published in
6 min readSep 22, 2020


The Republicans have walked straight into the trap as they rush towards the Supreme Court nomination. But the even bigger question is - will Democrats return the favor?

The Supreme Court seat has long been a favorite issue for the Republicans. It helps them fire up the conservative side within their base. But Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not just another Justice. She is a beacon for the left and an icon for the center.

Even some in the ideologically opposite spectrum respect her. Antonin Scalia is a great example.

But the road Republicans have taken to the Supreme Court is treacherous. How many additional votes will Trump and vulnerable GOP senators gain, over and above the support they already have? How much will they achieve, and how much will they lose?

The Republicans avoid falling into policy traps as they firmly keep their eyes on the win. The Democrats write big policy proposals and tie themselves in knots. Republican consultants and ad makers will pick up five sentences…



Shankar Narayan

He didn't care what he had or what he had left, he cared only about what he must do.