Plantin-Moretus Museum

Ross Sokolovski
4 min readDec 13, 2015


Its been a while, since I wanted to visit Plantin-Moretus museum in Antwerp (50 km north from Brussels). So, during my last trip through Belgium I finally took a chance and added it to my trip map.

Christophe Plantin (1520–1589) was a first industrial printmaker in history and definitely one of the most influential printer-publisher of the second half of 16th century. Books, that came out of his press defined and excided lots of quality standarts in printmaking and still standing as inspiring examples for designers, printmakers and book lovers.

Beside that, in the late 70-s bunch of volunteers established Plantin Prize given to a Belgian civilian who resides abroad and has made significant contributions to cultural, artistic or scientific activities. You can find Robert Cailliau (www co-creator), Dirk van Braeckel (VW Group Designer) and many others among prize winners.

