Concordia Solidifies their Presence in the Collegiate League of Legends Community

Danny Wheeler
Concordia Esports
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2018

The college removes itself from the shade, over the last semester and half, proving to itself and others, that the once mighty collegiate team is back. Shaping up to become one of the strongest League of Legends collegiate teams on the entire East Coast.

The once mighty collegiate team is back

With Lan ETS recently passing, Concordia’s participation represented more than a mere chance to advertise their name, but also scout the competition and see where they rank amongst the local teams of Montreal. With over 60 teams participating, it was clear that there would be strong local and visiting competition, that would allow them to critically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their team in a competitive tournament setting. Their goal, at the very least, was to make it past the group stages, and with the strong individual talent existing in the team, they were favorably seeded as one of the top teams in group one.

Overall, the group stages were long, but not so strenuous for Concordia, while also giving them the chance to face the most favorable team to win the entire tournament, Tainted Mould, who had acquired a wide variety of strong invidual talent, but most notably, xPecake, considered to be among the top talent of the event.

Other than the one game Concordia unfortunately dropped to Tainted Mould, they earned a spot in the top two teams of the group. Giving them a chance to advance to the playoff rounds, an environment that would force them into strong competition. Although the competition was fierce, Concordia’s coordination, found with the help of strong in-game leader Zzlegendary, they would quite easily take down top local competition, proving Concordia was a force to be reckoned with.

Concordia knew how to punish their leads, snowballing into quick victories, which overall raised the morale of the team and excited them to play harder. Their first real struggle was found against UofT (University of Toronto), the final two collegiate teams in the playoffs of the tournament. Through the genius of coach “InGanksWeTrust”, and the strong communication of the team, they defeated UofT in two close games, where they efficiently took advantage of any small leads given by the opposing team.

Unfortunately, Concordia’s success would be halted in the round of 8, where they faced Life Support. They would be made quick work of, game one would be closed out quite quickly, and Concordia grew anxious. Desperately, Concordia tried to find a weakness to Life Support, in between games, strategizing and attempting to break through the limitations met in game one. In the end, Life Support was just one step ahead the whole time. Anticipating that Concordia would either have to ban out the former strategy they undertook, or face being smothered by it again, they presented a new, and just as efficient, strategy to take down Concordia. The series was over in a quick 2–0, but Concordia proved they were a top 8 team, amongst some of the fiercest East Coast talent, with optimism for future tournaments.

Oh no! Where is adc?

In the end, Concordia only lost to two teams, which also happened to be the strongest two teams in the entire tournament. These contenders were unmatched in their individual skill, and proved that their coordination as a team were not weak points either. Tainted Mould, with xPecake leading the team, found themselves as victors of the tournament. The placing was well deserved, they crushed all their competition; even the second place group met little match for them.

The tournament, overall, was a roaring success for Concordia, earning a reputation as the strongest collegiate team that attended the tournament, and representing promise for their future. On top of their success, they had the opportunity to play together in an intense tournament environment and scout any new or changing local talent, they would likely face in future events.



Danny Wheeler
Concordia Esports

Concordia BA of Philosophy & English Literature. Esports enthusiast. Editor & Writer.