Concordium Mobile Wallets 1.2.6 for Android and 1.2(33) for iOS for Mainnet and Testnet — Release notes

Published in
Feb 1, 2022

Release dates: Jan-25th-22 for Android 1.2.6 and Feb-1st-22 for iOS 1.2(33)


We are happy to announce the release of our new Mobile Wallets’ version for iOS and Android, adding functionalities and improvements.

Please update your app.

What’s in the box?

Concordium Mobile Wallet for Android 1.2.6

  • Changed name of export file to concordium-backup.concordiumwallet.
  • Added prompts and dialogs to remind users to back up.

Concordium Mobile Wallet for iOS 1.2(33)

  • Changed name of export file to concordium-backup.concordiumwallet.
  • Added prompts and dialogs to remind users to back up.




Concordium with its Zero-knowledge ID enables the creation of regulation-ready dApps balancing decentralization, security, scalability, and regulation.