Concordium releases Testnet 4 Content Challenges

Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2021

On January 20th, Concordium release its Testnet 4 Incentivized Program in which developers, node operators, and community members can, collectively, receive rewards up to 0,15% of the mainnet supply, (up to 15,000,000 GTU) for helping secure, sustain, and grow Concordium Network and the ecosystem.

As part of our internationalization process, we are excited to announce the new Content Challenges, in which community members will be able to earn rewards by translating tech documents and creating user-friendly tutorials.

Missions and Challenges

OT4-C1. Localize Documentation — Testnet Guides

Translate Concordium Tech Documentation (Running a node, Smart Contract).

GTU Rewards: 6000

Seats: 1 seat per language

Start Date: 03–02–2021 23:00 PT

Last Date: 17–02–2021 23:00 PT


OT4-C2. Localize Documentation — Smart Contract Guides

Translate Concordium Tech Documentation — Guides — Smart Contract.

GTU Rewards: 14,000

Seats: 1 per language

Start Date: 03–02–2021 23:00 PT

Last Date: 17–02–2021 23:00 PT


OT4-C3. Create Tutorials

Create a user-friendly tutorial for Concordium Smart Contract or for Concordium Running a Node. Preferred languages: English, Japanese, Turkish, Chinese, Korean or Russian. Possible format: Video, Article

GTU Rewards: 4000

Seats: 100

Start Date: 03–02–2021 23:00 PT

Last Date: 17–02–2021 23:00 PT


  • For written content it is required need a minimum of 750 words
  • For video format content it is required at least 3 minutes
  • Positive or neutral tone
  • Original content (i.e. not translations of existing content)


  • Concordium’s team will evaluate the quality of the content. Concordium reserves the right to disqualify any unsatisfactory submissions.
  • Content that does not adhere to the conditions stated in each challenge will be rejected.
  • A contributor, who wants to submit a challenge result in this repository, must be a registered user on GitHub.
  • Concordium accepts one approved submission per challenge per contributor.
  • The GitHub username should not be changed until the rewards are paid out on mainnet.
  • If a user is detected to create multiple Github accounts and make multiple submissions, all their submissions on all accounts will be disqualified.

Note: all GTU activity on the Testnet is non-transferrable to Mainnet, the Testnet is just that: a test network.

Submission Process

  1. Fork the Tesnet4-Challenges repo. (howto)
  2. Each challenge has its own conditions stated in the relevant submissions folder.
  • Submissions must adhere to the conditions stated in the or they will be automatically disqualified.
  • Submissions must add the link to the content piece or translations or they will be automatically disqualified.

3. Create or upload your submission content in the correct challenge folder only when you have completed it. (howto)

4. Make a signed commit. (howto)

5. Create a pull request. (howto)



By participating in this Testnet, you agree to the Concordium Testnet Terms and Conditions.

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Concordium with its Zero-knowledge ID enables the creation of regulation-ready dApps balancing decentralization, security, scalability, and regulation.