Meet Daniel Tschudi from #TeamConcordium Switzerland

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3 min readJul 7, 2020

Team Concordium brings together outstanding researchers, software engineers and business leaders from all over the world and we are proud to introduce them to the rest of our community. Today we would like you to meet Daniel Tschudi¹.

Daniel Tschudi

Who are you?

I was born in Switzerland grew up at the shores of lake Zürich. Yes, I like cheese, chocolate, hiking, and skiing 😁 . But even more I enjoy swimming and Judo. I turn coffee into research results.

How did you get involved in the blockchain world?

During my studies in mathematics, by chance, I attended an overview talk on theoretical computer science.
One of the topics was electronic cash and how to prevent double spending. This sparked my interest in cryptography and I eventually decided to pursue a PhD in that direction.

Research-wise it all started with a small project for a summer retreat where we wanted to study the security of Bitcoin. This eventually lead to my first publication on the topic².

How can the world benefit from Blockchain?

On the long-term blockchain technology will become part of the standard repertoire for handling distributed computation. So instead of being mainly used for “programmable money”, it will become part of our overall digital infrastructure.

How did you get involved in Concordium?

I got involved in Concordium when I was a postdoc at Aarhus university. Bas, Chaya, Claudio, Ivan, Jesper, and I worked out a first version of the cryptographic white paper for Concordium. After my post-doc, I joined Concordium as a full-time researcher.

Daniel Tschudi with Concordium’s researcher Christian Matt and Concordium’s science contributor, Chaya Ganesh

What would you like to see blockchain doing in the future?

Blockchain has brought cryptography to the spotlight. It also dramatically sped up innovation in topics such as zero-knowledge proofs and multi-party computation. I am therefore curious to see all the new and existing research that people will come in the next years in the blockchain space.

If you could describe Concordium in 2 words, which ones would it be?

Science-based! (Same as Diego 😁)

Why should everyone follow closely Concordium’s journey?

I think the Concordium identity layer is an interesting concept. It allows to comply with regulatory guidelines, but also protects the users’ privacy to the extent possible. This will make blockchain viable for more traditional business applications.

¹Four consonants in a row! But don’t worry Tsch is pronounced tch, as in switch.

²Bitcoin as a Transaction Ledger: A Composable Treatment Christian Badertscher and Ueli Maurer and Daniel Tschudi and Vassilis Zikas CRYPTO 2017. See

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Concordium with its Zero-knowledge ID enables the creation of regulation-ready dApps balancing decentralization, security, scalability, and regulation.