Partial interruption of identity issuance — Post-mortem

Published in
1 min readJul 29, 2021

On July 28th, 15:22 pm, we experienced an issue with the identity creation via the newly released desktop wallet. The problem was resolved by July 29th, 8:47 am and a new version of the Desktop wallet was released for Windows, resolving the identity issuance issue.

Information classification: Public

Component: Desktop Wallet

Date and time: July 28, 15:22 to July 29 8:47

Issue description: The newly released Desktop Wallet 1.1.5 contained a bug that prevented new identities to be issued on Mainnet and with the Notabene identity provider on Testnet.

Reporter: Internal

Initial incident classification: Moderate

Actions taken: A new version 1.1.6 of the desktop wallet that fixes the issue was released on all 3 supported platforms.




Concordium with its Zero-knowledge ID enables the creation of regulation-ready dApps balancing decentralization, security, scalability, and regulation.