Sirius is here! Release notes and more!

Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2022

Concordium Mainnet has been updated! Sirius is here! 🥳

We are excited to announce that our major release, Sirius, has been implemented.

Sirius brings delegation to pools and improvements to the smart contract framework on the Concordium blockchain.

Read the release notes here.

What’s in the box?

Support for delegation 🤩

In the delegation model of the new protocol, bakers can seamlessly open pools, and accounts can delegate part of their capital to such a pool. Rewards for baking are distributed proportionally to each pool’s stake. The baker gets a portion of the pool rewards, the remaining rewards are then distributed amongst the pool participants, proportionally to their stake.

Accounts will have the option to delegate to a specific baker pool or opt for passive delegation.

Read more here.

Improved functionality for our smart contracts 😉

We have upgraded Concordium’s smart contract support! With the new release we expand the range of use cases supported on the Concordium chain.

The key highlights of the updated smart contract capabilities are:

  • The removal of the limitation on state size of smart contracts. Contract state size is now only limited by fees. This enables use cases such as stablecoins and other fungible tokens, with many participants interacting with smart contracts.
  • Native cryptographic functions have been added, so you don’t have to code them yourself. The signature verification functions verify_ed25519_signature, verify_ecdsa_secp256k1_signature and hash functions hash_sha2_256, hash_sha3_256, and hash_keccak_256 are all added.

Building your smart contracts using these functions reduces the cost of the gas fees!

  • Synchronous contract calls to make it easier to build smart contracts that interact with other contracts.

All existing contracts will continue working as before.

Important links:

  • Mainnet release notes are available here
  • Downloads are available here.

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