Concourse Resource Volume Caching

Topher Bullock
Concourse CI
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2018

This is a follow up to James Ma’s post on “Suspicious Volume Usage on Workers”. James also helped out with the illustrative diagrams for this post!

The Concourse team commonly gets questions about how Concourse treats resource caching on workers. For example, consider this scenario:

If 3 pipelines on 3 teams use the same resource (let’s say the pivnet-resource) with the same source configuration (eg. product_slug: p-metrics); does Concourse download and store the resource ( the p-metrics tile ) 3 times and store 3 cached volumes individually?

Lets dig in to how this works under the hood:

When Concourse needs to fetch a version of a resource a new container is spun up and allocated to a worker. This new container will be used to download the new version of the resource into the newly created Resource Cache Volume on the Baggage Claim portion of the worker. The reference to the Resource Cache Volume is stored in DB as an entry in the volumes table, referenced by the worker_resource_cache_id column.

For simplicity only the Worker and Database are shown; other components like ATC/TSA are not present

As a rule of thumb the number of times a resource version is downloaded depends on:

  • How the jobs from the 3 teams are scheduled across the pool of workers
  • Whether the resource configuration across teams and pipelines is identical

Consider the same scenario described above, where we have three different pipelines from three different teams running on the same Concourse instance.

Each pipeline is defined to use the pivnet-resource, but are configured to reference different product slugs. For simplicity, suppose the ATC has allocated each “resource get” on to three separate workers:

As you can expect, because the steps happen on different workers, the 3 different products are downloaded to 3 distinct worker resource cache volumes.

What happens when Pipeline 1 and Pipeline 2 get steps are allocated onto the same worker?

In this scenario, the files for the two resources are downloaded onto the same worker, while the third worker remains empty.

Let’s consider one more scenario. Team 2 updates Pipeline 2 to download p-metrics as well; and they end up having identical resource configs, secrets and all (assuming they use the same API token):

In this case, Concourse is aware that the two teams have set pipelines with identical resource configs. This results in a single volume where p-metrics is only downloaded once. This is safe to do because resource cache volumes are only ever mounted into tasks Copy on Write (COW) volumes, so the original source can’t be mutated.

A get step will correspond to a resource_cache entry in the database, which associates the version and any params to the resource_config in the database.

I thought pipelines were isolated! What about my team’s secrets?

resource_config ‘shash the source with the secret values interpolated. If the values of the secrets are the same they’re considered the same resource_config. So if 2 teams use the same git resource private key, they’ll share the worker resource caches of a version of that git resource. All a user would be able to see is the credentials they configured and know are there, which they can already retrieve in other ways. As a user, I have no way of knowing whether someone is using the same secrets I’m using.

We’re actively considering moving this behaviour up the chain, and having identical resources share their version history across teams.



Topher Bullock
Concourse CI

💻 ☕️ 🥃 🎶 | Staff Software Engineer @ Pivotal