A Shaman’s Guide To Anger And Resentment

It’s Okay To Get Pissed … but not for too long

Concrete Shamanism


When speaking truth, you must understand that truth always comes with a little bit of controversy. If your truth does not cause controversy then it is not truth. It is just an elegantly crafted lie that you tell yourself and others. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter actively encourage you to lie. To say that you’re happy when you’re really sad because no one wants to comment on a Negative Nancy post.

Hi my name is Patrick John Coleman! Follow and Friend onYouTube,Google Plus,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram, The Empath Community, HIGH EXISTENCE,GoodReads,Wikipediaand you can get copies of any of my books directly fromLulu.com,iBookstore, Amazon,Barnes & Nobleor ask your local bookseller to order or stock. And if you have a specific question about spirituality, shamanism or anything just give me a ring at 773–7899-ASK or shoot me an e-mail at concrete7 @ gmail.com. Now! Back to the article…

As humans we are expected to feel things and go through things. To be loved and to love and to get hurt and to feel pain. We are also expected to feel happiness and joy and to be kind to others who both help us and hurt us along our journey. Who hasn’t been in the arms of a lover where all was right in the world? And that’s precisely why the sting of lost love can be so hard to take. You’ve tasted the perfection of a happy life when everything seemed so simple and solvable with the ease of almost nothing. When relationships are easy and life is easy this does not field the expansion of consciousness. And as a human on a spiritual path, contrast is key and know that whatever suffering you endure is all about burning out the ego.

Who knows why people do the things they do. Just yesterday I spent half an hour on the phone with one of my clients and patiently listened as she recounted all the horrible things people have done to her lately. As a shaman, I am more about the solutions than I am the problems but I completely understand the value of letting a person “talk it out” so it doesn’t get so bottled up.

Why are people dishonest? Why do people hurt you? Why does this person act this way? Why can’t anyone see how much pain you are in? Why are people so selfish? Why don’t people care!?!?

There are no good answers for any of this and believe me I’ve tried to figure out why people like their pain so much. It’s one part ego and one part pain body but the plain fact is that people act the way they do for one simple reason: To get the lesson. That is all we’re doing here in these human lives.

So as this lovely lady told me all about the really frustrating things going on in her life, I was already working on the solutions. And the things I came up with were pretty easy to implement but for some reason she was blocked from seeing it because she was still getting lessons from the things she was describing. She needed to completely feel the anger and the pain so me giving her tips on how to leapfrog over that wasn’t working at all.

Even though I am a shaman, I still have a human life to live and the lessons I learn in this human life I can apply to my healing work later. And I get angry and pissed when people lie about me and treat me horribly. But I always try to be the better man and let them fully explore their logical fallacies. Recently there was a rumor going around that I was a meth addict and a scam-artist and the impact that had on my personal and professional life was devastating. Imagine my horror as I watched longtime friends not only believe the lies but join in the eventual lynch mob against me.

Not one person called me to ask if I was on drugs or even if I was okay. And it was really just a handful of people that were threatened by me being a shaman healer. But somehow these people managed to convince nearly everyone in my life that I was crazy, on drugs and not to be trusted. This insanity led to me being arrested and hospitalized for a mental illness i didn’t have and when I released I found that I had lost my fiance and all my clothes and belongings and no one gave a shit.

My anger was immense. And convientently the parties involved did not want to talk to me about any of it. Even though I had been cleared of mental illness and verified by actual physicians with actual degrees from actual universites the majority of people in my life at the time still clung to this faulty belief that I somehow deserved what was happening to me. So with nowhere to turn and the responsible parties unwilling to admit to their role in my destruction I was faced with a choice.

Calling them out on their shit did not work as it only added fuel to the fire. Their machinations were so transparent as to be laughable but this was no laughing matter. Gossip and rumors can destroy a person’s life and I watched helplessly as everything I’d worked for in the past year (including meeting the love of my life) go up in flames. Billed as the “crazy person on drugs” nothing I could ever say or do would make sense to them. Of course they didn’t want to see the discharge papers where the doctors said nothing was wrong with me. Of course they didn’t want to hear my side of the story because what they had done was so terrible and horrible that if anyone found out their entire life would be ruined. And I don’t want to ruin anyone’s life.

With all this excess anger, I had no choice but to discharge it somehow. I called attorneys asking what I could do about the mountain of paperwork that was falling at my feet. Hospital bills, death threats, court orders of protection and in the midst of it all recovering from a broken heart. Each attorney that I spoke with admitted there was no legal recourse I could take. There was no solution. Nothing could be done. I just had to sit back and watch other people destroy my life and my love. It was excrutiating.

Feeling the anger over it all was unpleasant and the frustrating thing about it was fixing it was so simple. A few honest phone calls and it would all be over. In less than an hour it could all be over as long as people would speak honestly with me about what had happened. And I talked to priests, gurus, psychics and other shamans where they all agreed on one thing: I was being tested by God.

When people have it in their mind to blame you and to bully you then nothing you can do will stop them from that. You must understand that these people have unresolved issues in themselves and they consider you a dumpground. They mainly do it in secret but nowadays witchunts are the norm. People actively seek out receptacles for their unwanted psychological garbage and if they deem you a place to put their fears then you just have to roll with it.

And that fact that so many people see so many different things in me was evidence enough to me that people were merely looking in a mirror. And I hear from everyone both good and bad. A quick survey of my YouTube comments revealed a hundred different truths about me. To some I am a gifted and talented shaman but to others I am a srug-addled scam artist. And here is where knowledge of self becomes so important. The closer you get to acheiving your life goals and discovering your life’s purpose the more people will come out against you because they are not even close to figguring that out. Their anger and hatred for you is really just their anger and hatred at themselves.

In effect, the anger that you are feeling over the things that people have done to you is not even your anger. It’s theirs. They didn’t know how to handle it so they offloaded it onto you. And if you’ve decided that the dumpground is closed then they are going to be ever more vigilant in placing it somewhere. So they will do things to frustrate you or irritate you hoping that you will blow up and get angry at them. Because the anger that you feel towards them is really their anger directed back at them. See how fucked up it is?

So here you are with a mountain of anger that’s not even yours and you don’t know what to do with it but something has to be done with it or it’s going to consume you and drive you into a deep depression. And that’s all that depression is … unresolved anger. And unresolved anger leads to resentment which can infect your life and your well-being like a cancer. So what to do?

There’s really nothing you can do except just accept the truth of what’s happening and stay close to the knowledge that you know who you are and God knows who you are so that any lies people tell about you will come out in the wash of time. So if people need to believe that you are something you are not in order to deal with their own psychological garbage then that’s just what’s going on. And there is nothing you can do to change it.

So get angry if you have to and get pissed if you have to, but understand that when people do horrible things to you, they are really doing it to themselves. Because I am a genuine and honest hardworking man who is loyal and loving. And if certain people can’t see that then I feel most sorry for them. Transforming your anger into pity for the people who’ve harmed you is the best way to go about it. And learn the lesson and then move on. You cannot make people do something they don’t want to do so if someone has decided to feel a certain way about you then you are unable to effect a change at all.

And while I tend to focus on the good times I’ve had with everyone in my life, I am continually saddened and let down by people who choose to focus on my mistakes or foibles. And while I am quite aware of who I am and what I am 100% my unshakeable faith in both God and the lessons I receive here on planet Earth is what gets me through. Because if someone doesn’t love you for who you truly are, then they don’t love themselves for who they truly are so never be afraid to show your true face. And if your true face makes someone angry then you have little control over it.

So while I mourn the loss of some really fantastic things inn my life, I realize that perhaps burning through all those “angry” people in my life was what that was all about. And while I may miss the touch of former lovers and the laughter with friends who’ve decided a different path, I know in my heart that feeling anger or resentment over those things is ultimately futile. To feel continued anger is to admit defeat so be careful to not give in to that emotion for too long. I love everyone that I’ve ever met and especially the ones that have caused me the most grief and hardship. For the lessons that they have given me have made me into the strong little shaman I am today. And for that I will be eternally grateful.

Much love to everyone,

Patrick John Coleman

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ALL THINGS GO: How I Became A Shaman

In April of 2013, Author Eric Durchholz had a near-death experience followed by a soul transfer. As a result, he died and was replaced by a new consciousness named Patrick John Coleman. A new soul in a full-grown body… much to the confusion of his friends and family. As the new age concept of a walk-in soul is relatively unknown to the mainstream, a growing army of walkins are coming to this planet in a “Divine Invasion” to set this polluted and hateful world back on a course towards peace. As Coleman struggled to find out where he came from and what happened to Eric, he turned to the great psychic researchers Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts and Esther Hicks for answers. In doing so he found he had uncanny connections to them while also uncovering a plot by his family to keep him silent. The book also includes several hours of specially produced video footage including reenactments of key events linked via QR Codes so keep your smartphone handy and get ready for a mindbending, soul-expanding thrill ride. To Purchase, click here




Concrete Shamanism

Spiritual Recovery Coach. Shamanic Practitioner. Sobriety First.