A Shaman’s Guide To Time And Love

Concrete Shamanism
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2014


The shamanic awareness of time is that it all happens at once. There is no past. There is no future. There is only the present moment. Everything else is just an illusion or a story created by your mind.

Hi my name is Patrick John Coleman! Follow and Friend onYouTube, Google Plus, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, The Empath Community, HIGH EXISTENCE,GoodReads, Wikipedia and you can get copies of any of my books directly fromLulu.com, iBookstore, Amazon,Barnes & Noble or ask your local bookseller to order or stock. And if you have a specific question about spirituality, shamanism or anything just give me a ring at 773–7899-ASK or shoot me an e-mail at concrete7 @ gmail.com. Now! Back to the article….

During my daily meditation walks I’ve been compressing the events of my life so that they are happening all at once. As I am dealing with several instances of loss at the moment, I am remembering the incredibly good times I’ve had and viewing them as one big bundle of happiness and joy. Processing grief and loss is a wonderful time to revisit old wounds and see how these new hurts can help process forgotten traumas. For time does not exist in a linear fashion. It starts in the present moment and the past and the future stream off from there.

As I am dealing with a lost love, it’s the perfect time for me to revisit my past intimate relationships and see if there are any lingering hurts that weren’t addressed at the time of their ending. Relationships physically end, but spiritually they endure in the present as long as you can realize it.

Here in the present moment I can wake up next to the person I once loved so dearly. I can close my eyes and imagine cooking a meal for them. Regardless of how or why the relationship ended, I can love them forever in the present moment. Past hurts or arguments vanish in the sacred space of the present moment.

As a shaman I can call up alternate timelines where we stayed together and see what we’re doing. I can also gain the lessons from those timelines and then close them out to claim that power. The pain of not being together physically evaporates for the shaman knows that the physical life is brief and if you were in love with someone, chances are you will see them again in another life or another timeline.

Relationships, when they end, should not be mourned. The time you spent together should be celebrated. Whether you’ve lost a friend or a lover, overcoming the barrier of physicality and of time can help you transcend whatever hurt or happiness you caused.

And bidding former friends and lovers a fond farewell is always a good idea especially if they hurt you or forced you to change. Rejection is sometimes protection. You would have stayed the same. You parted for a reason. Get the lesson and move on.

And you can return to the people you love at any moment in the present moment for nothing exists but the present moment. Everything else is just an illusion and a story your mind made up to perceive this strange world around us.

Much love from your friendly neighborhood shaman,

Patrick John Coleman

ALL THINGS GO: How I Became A Shaman

In April of 2013, Author Eric Durchholz had a near-death experience followed by a soul transfer. As a result, he died and was replaced by a new consciousness named Patrick John Coleman. A new soul in a full-grown body… much to the confusion of his friends and family. As the new age concept of a walk-in soul is relatively unknown to the mainstream, a growing army of walkins are coming to this planet in a “Divine Invasion” to set this polluted and hateful world back on a course towards peace. As Coleman struggled to find out where he came from and what happened to Eric, he turned to the great psychic researchers Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts and Esther Hicks for answers. In doing so he found he had uncanny connections to them while also uncovering a plot by his family to keep him silent. The book also includes several hours of specially produced video footage including reenactments of key events linked via QR Codes so keep your smartphone handy and get ready for a mindbending, soul-expanding thrill ride. To Purchase, click here




Concrete Shamanism

Spiritual Recovery Coach. Shamanic Practitioner. Sobriety First.