The Art Of Being Formless

You Are What They Think You Are

Concrete Shamanism


In my work as a shaman, I have to interface with various clients, students, friends and family members in a way that makes sense to them. I often refer to myself as knowing myself 100% and that I am formless. There is really no way to “know” a shaman … or anyone for that matter.

Hi my name is Patrick John Coleman! Follow and Friend onYouTube, Google Plus, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, The Empath Community, HIGH EXISTENCE,GoodReads, Wikipedia and you can get copies of any of my books directly, iBookstore, Amazon,Barnes & Noble or ask your local bookseller to order or stock. And if you have a specific question about spirituality, shamanism or anything just give me a ring at 773–7899-ASK or shoot me an e-mail at concrete7 @ Now! Back to the article….

Accessing their experience can be tough since most of the people who need the most healing are so solid in their beliefs and opinions as to be made of concrete. Busting that hard shell of false protection open can be difficult. Full of blame and shame and without knowing what true love is. Many don’t feel they deserve to be loved.

Claiming to know people is weird and I struggle to not use the term very often with others. I prefer to say “I am in communication with” rather than “I know this person” and I am very careful with my use of language these days. I also prefer to remain formless in my thoughts and emotions and my physical appearance.

I struggle not to use the words “I” and “You” very often, either. Not using certain words can contribute to your formlessness. It’s a major component of the Language Of Harmony that allows for positive energy to flow into your life unheeded by the language you use.

Shamans must go with the flow since their lives are not really their own. It’s a lot like surfing reality while also being careful to not step on the landmines that trip the egos of others. When you are formless and you know yourself 100% you start to expose the fears, weaknesses and hidden shames in others. And they don’t like it. You become a mirror that reflects what’s going on with the other person right back to them.

They will tell you things about you that are really about themselves. And you can use these things to work on your own hidden things because even though you are formless, you are still a human being. Even a shaman has life issues to work through. No one gets out of this life without working through something.

Sometimes my work makes people feel weird things and I do this on purpose. It’s no coincidence it provokes a reaction in people. As a perfomance artist I create art that is not necessecarily reflective of who I am as a person. So when people claim to know what I am all about simply by the art I create then they’ve chosen to not know me. I get very few questions about what I do.

I receive unsolicited advice and nonconstructive criticism all the time. I never really ask for advice since I have 18 spirit guides and can read the Akashic Records. I also have access to the “hidden” Akashic Records. I may have mentioned before that I am a psychic, medium and a shaman. I am also a walk-in soul without a lot of the negative programming people have about this reality. I don’t ask for advice unless I need it. Mainly what I ask for is sandwiches.

The Mirror’s Reflection — An Example

“You arrogance is alarming,” a woman said to me as I was sitting at the Target cafe talking to a student of mine. She had marched right up to me and pointed at my face. “I’ve seen you on YouTube and why do you think you get to dictate how others feel. You make baseless claims to your abilities and your relentless attacks on your family are shameful.”

I stared at my student and we traded a smile. Just ten minutes previous we had been talking about this very thing. I looked at her and calmly said: “Ma’am I am not arrogant and I am not claiming anything. And I don’t make attacks on people but I often have to set people straight on what’s happening.”

“Have you watched your videos? Do you know the things you say?” She was getting angry over it. My student was getting concerned. I waved him away. This happens all the time.

“I am aware of the things I do and the things I say,” I said. “Plus those videos I make are about my life and my experience as a walk-in soul and they really have nothing to do with you at all. I’m sorry.”

She looked to my student and told him sternly “I’d watch out if I were you.”

My student smiled and said to her “Thank you for your insight.”

She huffed and not getting the reaction she wanted from me simply walked away. We laughed because it’s so silly and so transparent to us. Anything you say about another person is really about yourself and what’s going on with you spiritually. It’s textbook and classic.

She turned around and yelled “Don’t you dare laugh at me.”

The Peace Of Formlessness

When you are formless, you are at peace. The accusations of others do not hurt you or affect you. You know what you are. You know what others think you are. You know what others think of themselves. And in forming an opinion of me they’ve created a version of me that doesn’t even exist. And at that point they are interacting with a spectre of their own design and they are so insistent that what they see is what it is they will try and badger me into a reaction.

“I am sorry I made you angry,” the lady came up to me again as my student and I made to leave.

“You didn’t make me angry,” I said.

“Yes I did,” she said. “You laughed at me in anger.”

“I laughed at the situation,” I said. “I was not angry”

“Yes you were,” she insisted. She was getting irritated. Should I give her what she wanted. Should I give her the reaction she so desperately needed? I asked my spirit guides what I should do and they informed me that she already was getting what she wanted so that I could walk away.

So I did. And left her screaming at me as my student and I walked out into the Chicago sunshine.

ALL THINGS GO: How I Became A Shaman

In April of 2013, Author Eric Durchholz had a near-death experience followed by a soul transfer. As a result, he died and was replaced by a new consciousness named Patrick John Coleman. A new soul in a full-grown body… much to the confusion of his friends and family. As the new age concept of a walk-in soul is relatively unknown to the mainstream, a growing army of walkins are coming to this planet in a “Divine Invasion” to set this polluted and hateful world back on a course towards peace. As Coleman struggled to find out where he came from and what happened to Eric, he turned to the great psychic researchers Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts and Esther Hicks for answers. In doing so he found he had uncanny connections to them while also uncovering a plot by his family to keep him silent. The book also includes several hours of specially produced video footage including reenactments of key events linked via QR Codes so keep your smartphone handy and get ready for a mindbending, soul-expanding thrill ride. To Purchase, click here




Concrete Shamanism

Spiritual Recovery Coach. Shamanic Practitioner. Sobriety First.