I deleted my personal sites today

Because the logic of capitalism doesn’t serve me

Jonathan Thomas
Conditional Humanity


I am unable to succeed under the logic of capitalism and as such I should stop paying into a system that I can’t benefit from.

I wanted to believe that the way to solve my problems under capitalism was to become an entrpeneur and become “self-made”.

None of this is possible. In fact, by believing in that lie, I was perpetuating not only my own suffering but that of others who I believed “should” want what I was supposedly selling.

Turns out I am incapable of selling because I experience selling as manipulation. And as I have been maniputlated I cannot manipulate others and feel good about it.

So I will have to write here. Another platform for a bought job, that will never supplement my income.

On a platform that can shadowban your thoughts with a sole clap.

Such is life under digital slavery.



Jonathan Thomas
Conditional Humanity

Conditional Human, writer who is afraid of writing, unwilling mercenary within the military-industrial-complex that is authoritarian, bourgeois-state-capitalism