
“The logic of structural-anarchism is founded on the idea that: 1. The workforce/population is the primary locus of decision-making-authority, which primarily organizes its existence into municipalities; hence, municipalities are the best embodiments of this decision-making-authority, in the sense that, municipalities are the basic democratic-apparatuses of decision-making-authority and poly-rationality. And 2., the workforce/population, naturally hardwired for connection, inevitably participates in cooperatives, autonomous-collectives, and municipalities, due to the fact, these organizational-forms are the best means for satisfying its basic maintenance requirements.”

-The Structural Anarchist Manifesto pg. 254

In essence stop giving up your decision making ability to repressive representative authority.

It is your time, potential and taxes that made the lives of your imposed (non)representatives possibly.

By every right you can, will and must take it back by any and all means necessary.



Jonathan Thomas
Conditional Humanity

Conditional Human, writer who is afraid of writing, unwilling mercenary within the military-industrial-complex that is authoritarian, bourgeois-state-capitalism