The power of CSS variables

Jorge Sanes
Condor Labs Engineering
3 min readDec 16, 2016

Have you ever wanted to change the content of a :before or an :after pseudo-element? You might have tried using javascript to gain access to them but you soon realized that they are not real DOM elements, thus you can’t manipulate them. The thing is you’re not out of luck! Enter: CSS variables.

When you hear of CSS variables you might think of pre-processors like LESS and SCSS which uses variables but after compiling you just get static values. No, I’m talking about real variables that you can change in real time. Cool, huh?

Let’s imagine we have a form with fields we want to validate. We want to show a tooltip with a message depending on the field, e.g. we want to show a message saying that the email format is incorrect but a different one for the lenght of the password. Also we don’t want to clutter the DOM with lots of spans or paragraphs with the different messages. The cleanest option is using the pseudo-elements :before and :after but the problem is changing the message at will. Or is it?

Let’s talk first about CSS variables. You might have read articles and tutorials showing you that you can declare variables in the root element like this:

And then you can access the variable anywhere in the css file:

This is very cool and useful when you want to change a lot of element’s background at the same time but if you want to change specific values to specific elements, this won’t cut it.

Fortunately we can limit the scope of the variables to classes or ids:

This way --primaryColor is only accessible in the container-class element. But why would we want to do this? To have dynamic content applied to our pseudo-elements. Let me explain. First we have the wrapper class for the input field:

Crappy message, I know, but bear with me. Now we have the actual input with its pseudo-element:

Now we have the cool stuff where we assign the values to --errorMessage via Javascript:

The function addErrorMessage would be called for each input element and you will pass the element element and the appropriate message message :

The object messages contains the messages for the respective field. Lets imagine that the name of the properties are the actual names of the inputs. This will help us avoid a lot of if statements or a switch . We then query for the input elements in the page and store them in inputs . After that we loop through the inputs and call addErrorMessage for each one of them, sending as parameters the element input and the appropriate message. For the message part we access the value using the name of the property which happens to be (conveniently) the input name.

The beauty of this is that every :after pseudo-element will have a different content with the respective error message. This is possible because the --errorMessage variable scope is limited to its respective wrapper-class .

Browser support for CSS variables is somewhat limited but it will get better with time.

Hope you found this article helpful. Until the next time…

