Daniel Ospina
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017


Technology vs People?

Image result for human vs robot

The question hides a dangerous oversimplification

After all, chimpanzees have technology

What limits chimps is not the lack of more advanced technologies, is the fact that they can’t use them.

People are not too different, really.


More often than not, the challenge is not the technology. The challenge is organizing people in a way that enables them to use its potential

Two thirds of digital transformations are said to fail. Bruce Rogers puts the figure even higher, at 84%.

This is understandable when you see that the leading cause of failure is the lack of alignment between people in IT and in business teams.

Successful transformation is about supporting people through change, not imposing it on them.

That means treating people like people (discussing purpose, paying attention to individual interests, being flexible) instead of designing conveyor belts with constant checks and scans and ugly uniforms.

Because, who likes to be in an airport?

Society has been changing ever since the time we used to hunt for food, that is not going to stop.

What we need to do is create the organizations and systems that work for all the inconsistencies, irrationality, and emotional behaviours that people are capable of. That is where innovation and progress come from.

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Daniel Ospina

Organisation Designer, Facilitator, Visiting lecturer at Said Business School (Oxford University). How can I help? daniel@conductal.org