phoebe lebrecht
Confab Social
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2015

Social Media Week took place in London this year from 14th-18th September. The worldwide conference aims to share the ideas, innovations and insights into how social media and technology are changing business, society and culture around the world.

Glass Digital’s Phoebe and Jo attended some of the events, here are a few highlights…

Tamar SEO hosted an insightful session about how to be a better blogger. The focus was on how personal bloggers can get the most out of their blogs through collaborating with brands. Although, this wasn’t totally relevant to us, the blog Do’s and Don’ts and SEO tips they gave out were helpful, not to mention the complimentary Haribo!

Next up, We Are Social’s Live Tweeting 101 session hosted at Google’s Campus in Shoreditch. Live tweeting is one of Glass Digital’s areas of expertise so we were really interested in seeing how another organisation approaches live social. The presentation went over the essentials from coming up with hashtags before then event to creating a Storify after the event. The presentation was short but sweet, we didn’t come away with any new information but that’s kind of what we expected.

Waking up at the crack of dawn it was time for Ogilvy’s The Truth Behind the (Profile) Picture: Does Social Media Affect our Mental Health? hosted at the National Gallery. The morning was introduced by Gill Hart, Head of Education at the National Gallery who used the examples from the collection to show how we portray ourselves through images, be it through painted portraits or selfies.

She then passed on to the four panellists who discussed the issue of mental health and social media by drawing upon various examples in their work and personal lives.

Later that evening, we headed to Digital Blonde’s event Food, Emoji & Emotions which was hosted at the Lamb Tavern in London’s Leadenhall Market. On walking through the door we were provided with emoji stickers, masks and handouts. The first half of the event revealed interesting data and research around our use of emojis. The second half concentrated on our relationship with food and whether social media is a good or bad thing for the restaurant industry, founder Karen spoke of an experiment they had conducted in the previous week where they took away people’s phones who were dining, the results were interesting. You can read more about it here. Digital Blonde’s event was certainly the most lively and memorable of the week!



phoebe lebrecht
Confab Social

Founder / Strategist @confabsocial - Trying to help people make the most of social media. Love Triathlon & Cycling — Editor, @Got_to_Tri.