What’s the craic with #StPatricksDay?

phoebe lebrecht
Confab Social
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2016

These days everyday is a national something or other which mean brands are constantly leveraging content on all kinds of trends. We’ve seen #NationalChocolateDay, #NationalToastDay and even #NationalHugDay — and these days usually cook up a storm on social media and drive some engagement for the brands. All in all though, they creep up on you and they’re easily forgotten.

So what is it about #StPatricksDay that makes the whole world feel Irish?


Marketing Magazine think it could be down to St Patrick himself. From a quick search, it seems he was sociable man able to form good, quick relationships with ordinary people (without being loaded on guinness). He was known for his tenacity and what he created was a sense of community and togetherness that is a clear byproduct of the celebration that we know St Patrick’s Day to be today.

The sense of community is so prevalent, literally everyone thinks they’re Irish on the 17th March, brands included. Marketers have discovered the power of green on #StPatricksDay. Whereby simply adding the colour green, a shamrock or both to your branding you can instantly form “Irish” connections with consumers.

As expected, Google were on top of it:

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Twitter is always a playground for brands to explore trends, here are some of our favourites from today:



Vita Coco

Paddy Power

Krispy Kreme

And of course… Aer Lingus

Not a brand but we couldn’t resist…

We can’t believe this will be the end of it today, so watch this space for more campaigns to come. Plus, as big fans of Snapchat, we have been playing with their #StPatricksDay features all day…


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phoebe lebrecht
Confab Social

Founder / Strategist @confabsocial - Trying to help people make the most of social media. Love Triathlon & Cycling — Editor, @Got_to_Tri.