Easily Build A Custom Phone Application For Your Event

Conference Badge
Conference Badge
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2013

As of September 2013, more than 147 million Americans own a smartphone. The majority of your attendees will probably carry one at your event. How can you take advantage of this?

Developing a custom event app is expensive and time consuming, but rest assured, we found an easy solution called EXMO. The platform lets you quickly create beautiful native apps for your event in minutes; no coding skills needed.

We are happy to partner with EXMO to help you launch the perfect event. Here are just some of the advantages of using the EXMO platform:

  1. Keep attendees informed and engaged
  • Attendees are always aware of what’s going on by having instant access to the schedule, maps, and more
  • Attendees can engage with each other through twitter and social events
  • Send real-time announcements to your attendees

2. Wow sponsors with additional ROI

  • Highlight sponsors with interactive profiles and in-app banner ads
  • Measure attendee engagement to share with your sponsors
  • Generate additional revenue by adding new sponsor placements into your sponsorship packages.

3. Make your job as an organizer easier

  • Communicate with attendees in real-time with the click of a button
  • Poll your audience to gain instant insights.
  • Collect feedback to make your next event even better

EXMO is free up to 50 attendees; the price then gradually scales with the size of your event. You have no reason not to try it.

Authored by Philippe-Antoine Lehoux — Follow him @plehoux



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