The Perfect Name Badge

Conference Badge
Conference Badge
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2013

Many people have blogged about the perfect name badge: Matt Cutts, Mike Davidson, etc. They mostly share a common vision that could be summarized like this:

First name>Last name>Company>Conference Branding>Everything else

Name badges are communication tools that facilitate connection between strangers. They reduce friction by exposing identification information about the people wearing them.

“When you’re walking up to someone and they look half-familiar, you want to be able to glance down at their badge and see a first name that will jog your memory or allow you to greet them. The last name and company name don’t matter as much, so they should be smaller to make more room for the first name.” — Matt Cutts

You should keep that in mind when customizing one of our themes. Keep your badges light and emphasize the first name with a big bold font.

Authored by Philippe-Antoine Lehoux — Follow him @plehoux



Conference Badge
Conference Badge

Design name badges online for your next event and get them shipped right to you!