A Week In Ireland with a Bunch of Boomers

How a tour group reminded us what’s important and to do more research

B. LeBoeuf
Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady


Via pasja1000 on Pixabay

I’ve always considered myself an old soul. The running joke when someone is getting to know me is for me to say, “I’m an 85-year-old in the body of a 30-something.” I love reading and watching Golden Girls re-runs and I have a kickass brooch collection. Oh, and I have four cats.

In the summer of 2022, my husband and I started planning to check one travel item off our bucket list. We were going to go to Ireland and Scotland. Not really knowing where to begin, we enlisted some help from a local travel agent who suggested we go with a well-known tour group. She insisted that this would cut down on needing to drive in two countries, where they drive on the opposite side of the road. It would also allow us to see almost all of the things we wanted to see, without having to do all of the research and planning. We signed up then and there.

Fast forward to September of 2023, and we were flying across the Atlantic Ocean on our way to Dublin. The red-eye flight left us both exhausted, but excited to see the countries of some of our ancestors. As we went through customs and collected our bags, we walked to the main airport entrance and found the man holding the name of our tour group. He was a sweet old British…



B. LeBoeuf
Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady

Writer and social media guru. Proud mom and wife. Crazy cat lady. Vampire Slayer. Check: Today Parents, SPM & Scary Mommy. ko-fi.com/authorbrittleboeuf