So You Want to be a Mom Blogger?

I hope others learn from my experience with mean girls

B. LeBoeuf
Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady


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I never set out to be a mom blogger.

I always did well in English class throughout school and enjoyed writing Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic in 12th-grade study hall. But, I never really thought I’d make a career out of writing. The idea of majoring in journalism crossed my mind, but I went with the safer option and chose human services as my career path instead.

Years later when we welcomed our first child, it became clear that the best choice for our growing family was for one of us to stay home with them to cut out childcare costs and to have someone on the home front for in-home OT, PT and speech therapies our son on the autism spectrum would require. By the time we had our second, I needed an outlet. Becoming a mother was all the things they told me it would be; amazing, fulfilling, lonely, and exhausting.

That’s when I saw that a friend from high school had submitted an article about her kids to a big mom blog and it had been accepted. A light came on at that moment and I just knew that I had to do the same. I had so much I wanted to say about my motherhood journey, from infertility, postpartum depression, and a colicky baby, to miscarriage and an autism diagnosis. I knew that I would have the ability to speak to…



B. LeBoeuf
Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady

Writer and social media guru. Proud mom and wife. Crazy cat lady. Vampire Slayer. Check: Today Parents, SPM & Scary Mommy.