Confessions Of A Teenage Tech Addict

I have a problem, you have a problem, we all have a problem, but we’re doing nothing about it.

Sarvasv Kulpati
Confessions Of A Teenage Tech Addict


There are two kinds of people reading this blog post — those who are addicted to some form of digital technology and those who think they aren’t. I know which one I am, and I’m pretty sure you know which one you are. And my guesses are, we both haven’t really done enough to change the situation.

There are two kinds of people reading this blog post — those who are addicted to some form of digital technology and those who think they aren’t.

You see, like most people, I’ve come to the realization that I don’t have a healthy relationship with digital technology. Perhaps it’s the average of 2 and a half hours I spend on my phone every day. Perhaps it’s the endless hopping from one app to the next. Perhaps it’s when I tell myself that I’m going to get off my phone in 10 minutes but find myself researching how tall George Clooney is 3 hours later (I’ll save you a search, he’s 180cm).

