Accessible Social Media: How To Get It Right.

Richard Cook
Confessions of an Anti-Social Marketer
7 min readMay 1, 2021


Social media platforms usually aren’t very good at accessibility. They tend to prioritise functionality over inclusion. And they don’t incentivise users to bother creating content that works for everyone.

And I get it. If you’re not aware of the concept of accessibility, it can be a daunting subject. You might find yourself asking questions like:

  • Why do I need to make my social content accessible
  • How do I do it?
  • How far do I have to go?

And it’s that last one that might catch you out the most. Accessibility is something of a spectrum. And there’s always going to be more you can do. That means you might get called out even when you’ve made the extra effort. And that can be disheartening.

But as long as you’re willing to learn and accept feedback graciously, you’ll also be improving. And remember, just being open to the subject at all puts you ahead of most folks! And the more people that start incorporating accessible practices, the better.

The basics: what is accessible social content?

Whenever you post something on social media, you should be thinking about the people who’ll see it. Maybe that means tailoring the messaging for the specific audience or including information they’ll need to understand your post.

If I tweeted, “Today we’re launching Inverse ETFs!” that wouldn’t be accessible to anyone…

