Social Marketing Review: June 2021

Richard Cook
Confessions of an Anti-Social Marketer
8 min readJul 24, 2021


June was an absolute belter of a month. I really don’t know how I’m going to fit it all in, but I’m going to try regardless. The approx. 100 of you that read this monthly deserve this content, and it would be morally remiss of me to let you down.

My big thing in June was attempting to get verified on Twitter after they reopened applications.

So far, no luck. And it’s actually quite tricky! The requirements are pretty tight, and if you fall outside of the cracks of a few set categories, you don’t have any way in at all. This means that despite having sent tens of thousands of tweets over more than a decade, I’m less of a real person to Twitter than a local news journalist who only ever RTs their own pieces. NOT BITTER, THOUGH.

Sure, I could probably go through some backdoor channel and ask a Twitter rep for help (though we’re maybe not spending enough for that to work). But I want to see what the experience is like for regular joes trying to go through the official channels. So far, the experience is: not good.

Stay tuned for updates on this front!

Before we get onto June, I’d just like to flag a post I wrote about corporate Pride. It was initially part of this very June roundup you’re…

