About this collection

Fundamentalism can be a choice, fundamentalism can be a trap. For me it’s been first a choice, and then a trap. Or maybe it’s been a trap all the time. I was born and raised in an Evangelical Christian environment. Then I converted to Christianity, or Evangelical Christianity I should say, then we parted ways. Can’t say whether my choice was ever a choice after all…

Or if I ever really parted ways with Evangelical Christianity…

The Christian backdrop has faded away, for sure, but the fundamentalist bubble in which I was raised has never really burst. Or if it ever has burst, then it’s been very hard to catch up with the “real world” – the world in true colours – which I could thus far only appreciate through the faded screens of my bubble.

Colours. That’s the word. When your eyes are accustomed only to the binary combination of black and white, the best your imagination can ever help you come up with is grey. Greys, dull greys.

This space is meant to serve me as a journey through the vast arrays of greys of my mind in the hope that some day I may find colours, if I ever recognise one. What more, I hope this place may come in the way of those who like me live in this limbo of greyness and may serve as an inspiration to others.

