Confessions of my daily end

Confession of my very own first Post

making sunshine
Confessions of my daily end
1 min readOct 6, 2013


I always wanted to write my own blog, but for lack of time, I never did, until now. This week finally I decided to start my blog, and found myself with a quite interesting challenge, What the Fun! What do I write now? Many ideas/topics floats usually when I travel and always wanted to pen it down. Now is the time.

Note: All the views and opinions expressed here are completely personal. They are not endorsed or owned by my company (current & ex), associations, groups or anything that I am a part and associated with. Its just my opinion and ideas which would be expressed here.


making sunshine



making sunshine
Confessions of my daily end

Start up dropout.. a traveller seeking few answers.. Views expressed here are personal. Built PayUmoney in past, Ex. Paytm, Ex. RING-a-BOOK !