
Confic Magazine Recruiting Freelance Journalists, Authors, and Artists: $75 per submission

Lack of Lepers
Confic Magazine
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2021


NEWS/ANNOUNCEMENTConfic Magazine LLC is monetarily and legally operational; now paying participants and accepting donations.

This marks the last post from Confic Magazine on Medium.


The containment fiction space has been capable of something like this for a long time, and for whatever reason, it just hasn’t been done.

The name of the game is quality writing. Journalism, unique perspectives, creative ideas, engaging topics, confic itself, art (a picture is worth 1,000 words after all), and otherwise homeless works that are unique to the space of containment fiction.

All potential submissions should be sent to the official Confic Magazine email: If selected, you will be messaged and we should be able to give you an estimation of your publication date. Once notified, the writer should reply including the copyright name they’d like to be attributed with, any additional copyright stipulations (see The Copyright & Legal discussion on the website), and a preferred method of payment, if payment is desired (see the Tutorials page for more information).

The submission should be journalistic coverage of news, an event, a story in the confic space, a literary work like a confic article itself or a satire, an op-ed-like piece, artwork, or anything else creative not listed here. If a journalistic or opinion piece, it must be a thorough effort on a relevant topic that hasn’t been covered before; or at least is a very different take on something covered before. English must be your first language, or you must have sufficient mastery of English as a second language. The article will be subject to edits from editors, which will be run by the author for approval. These will mostly be suggestions to polish the article grammatically and descriptively, but are not limited to this. Things like headers, titles, and pictures might be added, if you don’t have your own.

Confic Magazine’s revenue will be solely from donations. We will not advertise, not on sites, podcasts, videos, or etc products. We will not incentivize donors with tier rewards.

The magazine will be the center of an ecosystem. The road map will include the gradual expansion and inclusion of various media, such as a dedicated website, a call-in podcast (Confic Call-In™), video channels with topical content (Youtube and/or Odysee), and more sophisticated and coordination-heavy events, such as ConFicCon™. Terms of payment for development and labor of these products will develop as they do, between Confic Magazine LLC and those involved in their creation and production.

Thank you for reading. This is an exciting and serious move on the part of excited and fun people. We appreciate your involvement and attention as we grow.

Get more information in the About, Tutorials, and F.A.Q. pages.

First they ignore you,

then they laugh at you,

then they fight you,

then you win,

then they join you.

— Nicholas Klein

Send Confic Magazine hopeful submissions and questions to:

If you’d like to donate to Confic Magazine: (pending)

Join the SCF Discord:

© Lack of Lepers

© Confic Magazine



Lack of Lepers
Confic Magazine

Separation of confic and state. The SCP Foundation Wiki’s most dedicated and hated critic. Co-founder @ Confic Magazine LLC.