BuidlAsia and EthSeoul 2024: A Journey of Reflection and Exploration

Misang Ryu
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2024

BuidlAsia’s significance dates back to 2018, when I entered the crypto world. As a Seoul native now living in Europe, the opportunity to reconnect with the Korean blockchain community holds a special place in my heart.

I have known these great minds since 2018, and all of them have become entrepreneurs except me!

My recent journey to Seoul was a multifaceted adventure, driven by two primary goals: to expand the reach of CosmWasm and gather market insights for potential subscribers and to promote the upcoming AwesomWasm hackathon.

CosmWasm Families

Archway, Injective, Nibiru, Neutron, Osmosis, UnUniFi..All CosmWasm families!

I gained valuable insights from CosmWasm chains and projects, delving into their individual focuses, concerns, pain points, and future trajectories. Moreover, I received invaluable advice and feedback on our nascent business model, the CosmWasm Subscription plan, from experts within the community.

My Takeaway Around “Modular” Trend

In Seoul, the buzzwords “Modular” and “Real World Asset tokenization” dominated discussions. Many chains were either integrating multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) or planning to do so, showcasing a trend toward versatility and interoperability.

While several projects were leveraging both CosmWasm and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), it was evident that Ethereum held sway in the “money-making” realm due to its larger market size and preference among venture capitalists. Despite CosmWasm’s technical superiority, there existed a disconnect with its commercial viability.

This experience prompted me to broaden my perspective beyond the Cosmos vs. Ethereum dichotomy. With the emergence of projects like Hyperlane and MilkyWay and the attention garnered by Initia and Mitosis, the boundaries between platforms have become increasingly blurred. Some individuals are shedding their exclusive focus on Cosmos, recognizing the need for a more inclusive approach. With this ongoing modular trend, I am curious to see how the CosmWasm ecosystem will expand with Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC). Some concerns arise about the fragmentation of expertise and the ability to manage the complexities of hyper-interconnected systems by a non-tech person like myself.

These reflections led me to consider the implications for our CosmWasm Subscription service. With a diverse audience and varying needs among CosmWasm-integrated chains and projects, devising strategies for inclusivity, resource optimization, and scalability becomes imperative.

I do not have the answer now.

One thing remains certain: Confio remains committed to building the infrastructure for CosmWasm, adapting to the evolving currents of the blockchain landscape. Regardless of how the tides may shift, we are steadfast in our resolve to navigate these waters, persevering beneath the surface like we always have.

Promoting the Upcoming AwesomWasm Hackathon

After the success of last year’s CosmWasm hackathon, we’re organizing the second version, AwesomWasm hackathon this year, co-hosted with our Gold subscribers, Kujira and Neutron. A good opportunity to connect with industry veterans and CosmWasm experts, including Confio developers and representatives from Kujira and Neutron. During my time in Seoul, I aimed to promote our hackathon and attract more participants, encouraging interest from past attendees like Jesse from New Metric and Sooyoung and Yoonsu from DSRV.

Korean Corporates in the Blockchain Scene

I had the opportunity to connect with Korean corporations engaged in blockchain endeavors, such as Line and Neowiz, gaining valuable insights into their strategic approaches and future plans. Their distinctive strategies and actions are pretty different from most projects I’ve encountered in the ecosystem, showcasing the diversity within the CosmWasm audience and providing me with further insights.

Something More

Korean social media and news outlets were abuzz with excitement when Vitalik was sighted casually strolling through the streets and cafes in Korea during the event, embodying the image of a “billionaire engaging in everyday activities.”

The Near marketing team shared a tweet mentioning that Illia, co-founder of the Near blockchain, had his arm touched by Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. This quickly transformed into a humorous meme during BuidlAsia, with many jokingly expressing a desire to experience the “touch of Illia,” leading to the creation of the “Touch me Illia X” account. Such incidents highlight the amusing and vibrant culture within the crypto community.

In short, my Seoul tip was more than just a conference visit. It was also a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and growth. As I reflect on the memories made and lessons learned, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement for the road ahead.

