Confio Public Good Funding 2023 Secured

Simon Warta
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2023

With the end of the voting period of Cosmos Hub proposal 103, we are happy to see the enormous support of the Cosmos community and can announce that the funding for Confio’s Public Good efforts 2023 is secured. Big thank you to each and every one who participated in the governance process for funding our work and raised their voice in public and private conversations to support our mission! A stunning > 96 % of Yes votes make us confident that we are on a good path and should continue what we do best: building.

Voting stats of prop 103 one hour before the end of the voting period

Confio’s commitment to the Hub

The Hub proposal contains ambitious plans and deliverables. In a few months from now, we can evaluate what has been achieved. However, in addition to any checklist, we are committed to this statement:

[…] we want to make sure this is a two-way street, and the Cosmos Hub also benefits directly from the support they are considering to grant Confio.

Informal Systems is hosting the Cosmos Hub product development team these days. They reached out to us to explore how to best collaborate. The conversation is ongoing and good. We are confident that our technology will be used actively on many ICS consumer chains and add value to the ATOM.

Unfreezing Public Good work

With the passing of the community proposal, we will continue the work as usual starting on Wednesday, March 1st.

The roadmap in the Hub proposal as well as the ICF contract, starts in Q2. However, in order to unblock other teams, we plan the following tasks for March:

  • CosmJS: Get a Tendermint 0.37 client (required for SDK 0.47)
  • wasmd: Finalize and release wasmd 0.31, shipping CosmWasm 1.2
  • wasmd: Continue the integration and testing of Cosmos SDK 0.47
  • Academy: Finish cohort 3 and prerape for cohort 4

What was Confio Public Good again?

Confio is a software development company that is primarily working on Public Goods for the Cosmos ecosystem. We are not a non-profit but do have the luxury of not having external investors and are able to prioritize the good work we enjoy over maximizing profits. The vast majority of our work is Public Good. We use the term “Public Good” to differentiate Open Source, which is specific to one blockchain ecosystem, and Open Source, which is a building block for many blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem. The list of actively maintained repositories that constitute the CosmWasm and CosmJS stacks is more than 20 repos long.

Additional funding sources

In order to avoid a situation where Confio’s Public Good work is paid by the Hub alone, we actively seek for multiple funding sources. As outlined in the proposal, the second tranche in August may be smaller depending on the funding we get from other sources.

Right now, we can confirm the following:

  • The Interchain Foundation funds up to 6 full-time developers for CosmWasm and CosmJS maintenance
  • The Osmosis Foundation gave us a grant of 250k OSMO
  • NYM Technologies committed to a grant
  • DoraHacks committed to a grant
  • Terra is getting a Community proposal on chain
  • Stargaze is discussing a Community proposal

The Hub proposal gives us the freedom to explore those and more funding opportunities over the course of this year. We will also work on a clear differentiation between for-profit work and donation-based work and get the best structures in place to handle that. It also gives us time to reflect on the question of who we are even working for in the multi-chain world.

Final words

The success of this proposal has given us renewed energy and motivation to keep working toward our mission with even more dedication and passion. The team is eager to get out of fundraising mode and back to work. We promise to keep you updated on our progress and show you the results of your investment in us.

