Introducing Confio GmbH — the happy devs company

Simon Warta
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2021

Confio’s mission is “building trust”. On the one hand, this statement is so open that it even has multiple meanings in “building”. But it also means something unique in the blockchain space Confio operates in: the goal is to build systems in which actors can to some degree trust each other. This has the potential to unleash a lot of value we are used to in our every day life: we pay an online shop before they ship, because we trust them. We help out each other, knowing the same would be done for us.

Photo by Clint McKoy on Unsplash

Confio was founded as a single person consulting company by Ethan Frey, a visionary leader in the blockchain space. Martin Worner joined along the way, working with Ethan on Proof of Engagement. With the rise of the CosmWasm smart contracting technology, an ever growing community and development funding from the Interchain Foundation among others, the team grew rapidly to about 10 people.

Ever since, Confio values people over anything else. We enjoy building cutting edge technology and delivering products. But equally important, we enjoy working together with talented peers that are not only lovely people but bring a variety of unique strengths and expertise to the team. We take care of each other: you don’t see any judgement if a co-worker leaves early to take care of their kids or other private matters. You don’t see pull requests pending for weeks because helping out peers is more important than doing your own work. And of course, people are free to choose when and where they work as long as there is a reasonable overlap with the rest of the team.

To better reflect the size of the team and the responsibility that comes with it, we decided to professionalize the corporate structure. Almost all activities from the Estonian Confio OÜ will be transferred to the newly founded Confio GmbH in Berlin. Germany is a place with a strong labor law and not necessarily what you would choose for a remote team to make your life easy. But we are confident to live up to standard and beyond. This new company is owned by Ethan Frey, Martin Worner and Simon Warta in a partnership to spread the responsibility and be more resilient. The position of Geschäftsführer (General Manager) will be fulfilled by Simon, who does the boring paperwork as a nice break from cutting code.

With this setup, Confio GmbH is ready to grow the team in order to maintain its products and deliver the next big thing: the Tgrade blockchain focussing on regulated DeFi.

