Meet Confio Series #14

Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2022

In the 14th episode of “Meet the Confio” I asked a few questions to Hannu — our Frontend dev!

Who are you Hannu?

I am one of those older C64/Amiga children that grew up during the tech boom when every single year technology got profoundly better, as in faster and more beautiful every year. What I remember is I fell in love with computers the first time I saw one, and initially it was for games but after a while I heard about programming, taking control of the computer, so I wrote my first graphical program using BASIC when I was 10 years old. I followed a book so didn’t really have any clue what I was doing, but the end result blew my mind, as I saw these happy colored, wiggly circles dance on the screen. After that, I was hooked for life.

Jump forward in time about two decades or so and I remember seeing a physical bitcoin kiosk while working in London when the price was around 10–20 per BTC, I did not understand the concept but created a wallet out of curiosity which amassed 3 or 4 bitcoins that I did not understand what to do with so sadly they are long lost without any chance of recovery.

Fast forward a decade-plus change and the hype became astronomical, while changing jobs I found an interesting advert for a role at Confio and thought to myself that I don’t know anything about this space, but let me take a risk and get involved to see what all this hype is about. Said and done I joined Confio not really understanding what the company was about, scary but exciting at the same time. Now after working here for some time, I feel that my mind has been blown once again, but this time not by fancy graphics but by world-changing technologies that have incredible real-world practical uses, finally I can say I “get it”.

What do you do in Confio?

At Confio I work as a React Developer on our Tgrade dApp that provides a fresh and easy UI to interact and understand the underlying blockchain, the smart contracts, and other concepts such as Trusted Circles.

Could you describe what your work is like at Confio?

As we work fully remote and somewhat asynchronous it gives me an unprecedented ability to manage all the facets of life in a way I never thought possible.

We discuss and plan our goals together and then we leave the execution to the individual. It is truly a beautiful and powerful feeling to have full control of your own time. Everyone at Confio is a highly intelligent and friendly individual so I do wish I could meet them more often in person, but I guess it’s impossible to have it all.

What have you learned with Confio?

I have learned a lot since joining Confio, but mostly it opened my eyes to what blockchain technology actually is, and how it can be used to do good in the world.

What do you like about working at Confio in General?

The people. We have an incredibly culturally diverse, highly intellectual team. There is this old saying that “if you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room” and I am definitely not in the wrong room at Confio. Even though people are super smart, every single one is very friendly and warm, we don’t have those negative combatant personalities that sometimes accompany highly intelligent people, we collaborate, help each other reach our goals, and just talk about life like you do with your friends. To summarize the team is absolutely amazing.

Anything else you want to share with people?

It feels exciting being a part of the team doing what we do, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us as we show the world what we have been working on.

Wanna join us?

Do you want to be part of something bigger? We’re looking for bright and driven people just like you. Find out our open positions here, and tell us your story.

