Meet Confio Series #3

Misang Ryu
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2020
Confio people

Hello, World!

It gets colder and colder in the northern hemisphere. My only wish is that by the end of winter when the snow melts, Covid19 disappears with it.

Wishing everyone’s safety from the bottom of our hearts, let’s meet Abel.

Who are you, Abel?

Hi, I’m Abel. I am from Vigo, a northwestern city in Spain. I studied computer engineering, specialized in the development of large software systems. Then I worked full time as a researcher on virtualization of 5G network for almost 2 years. During this time, I had a chance to do a little frontend project which made me happy, so I decided to change my career as a frontend developer.

Then, I stopped working for some months, dedicated my time studying online courses to gain frontend development-related knowledge, then I worked as a frontend & QA dev for more than 1 year in IOV. Then I joined Confio as a frontend developer this summer.

What do you do in Confio?

I do frontend development work.

What I have done with Confio so far is;

Implemented dApps that showcase CosmJS, the common Javascript library for the whole Cosmos blockchain ecosystem.

Developed visualizer for IBC(Inter-blockchain communication)

Made some tutorials and dApp templates for developers with Orkun. This was for the HackAtom V workshop.

Helped to recruit Javascript evangelist and senior React engineer.

Did some maintenance work for the code explorer and other standalone dApps

Describe what your work is like at Confio.

For starters, I get requirements for the app from Simon or Ethan.

Then I get code reviews from Ethan, or Simon. If it is frontend-focused, then I get it from Will.

If there is some kind of design already, I see them first. I explore API then I do sketches, then I code.

If there is no design, I start with sketching on paper to think of applications’ route, etc. This was the case with the IBC visualizer, and the UI of it was totally improvised. Sketches on paper help me think about UI, API, and applications.

I usually have CosmJS questions to Simon and Will, they guide me through it, or if I realize CosmJS has something missing, I tell them to add those things to CosmJS, they do it, then I can use it.

So I guess that makes me the first frontend user of new CosmJS features.

How do you work outside of Confio? (if any)

I just do some online courses that interest me. To keep up with new frontend technologies, to learn better what I am doing.

These days, I am learning React. Well, I have been using it for 2 years but currently, I’m doing a React course for deeper knowledge.

What have you learned with Confio?

I learned independence.

I got a lot of support from dev peers, got code reviews, but a huge amount of frontend decisions are up to me.

I learned a lot of typescript and code practices from Will and Simon. And I learned how to make tutorials and workshops from Orkun.

What do you think about Confio’s working environment? In general, including colleagues, communication, culture…

It’s apparent that everyone is surrounded with trust, like the company’s name “Confio”(Trust in Spanish). That is the main thing I would say.

I trust the judgment of others.

I can ask questions and I get honest answers.

When I have an issue, I can rely on my peers as they are very friendly people.

They are not afraid to give some bad news even, their bad news.

Transparency is the top priority that leads us to make better long-term decisions and to get a big picture of the company, I think.

Wanna say something?

If you are enthusiastic about state-of-the-art blockchain technology, Confio is the best place for you.

If you don’t like working remotely, then this is not for you. Also, if you are easily distracted, remote working won’t be that productive.

Based on my 2 years of experience, I can say that I like remote working a lot because I can avoid commuting and enjoy a very flexible schedule. I think you can get much more happiness, as you get to make your own decisions to have better work-life balance.

Wanna join us?

Find our open positions here, and tell us your story!

