Mesh Security Phase 2 wrapped up

Tomasz Kurcz
Published in
1 min readDec 20, 2023

With the most recent release of the Mesh Security smart contracts, we at Confio are prepared to wrap up our part in Phase 2. Here are the most important improvements.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Cross-delegator slashing

A huge amount of effort was poured into slashing, making sure validator slashing events are propagated to cross-delegators’ collateral and the view of them is consistent across the system, a critical piece in ensuring security.

Osmosis Price Oracle

Price information needs to come from somewhere. The first price oracle is a contract living on the Osmosis chain, periodically queried by consumer chains over IBC and responding with current TWAP prices as determined by the Osmosis DEX.


The overall design has seen changes and an increase in complexity. In an effort toward transparency and understanding, all of this has been documented. We’re happy to say our docs are up to date!

More info

If you’d like to learn what Mesh Security is, why it’s useful, or what Confio’s role is in all this, check out our previous article.

