The Duchess and The Doctor. Show.

Matthias J. Sax
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2024

We recently launched a new show “The Duchess & The Doctor” in which we answer questions from the Internet — all about eventing. While this was all Her Grace’s idea, and I don’t take any responsibility for it (yes, you are right Bruno…), I still take all of the credit I can get — and so far, feedback has been quite positive about it. Well, we got Phil. Everybody loves Phil, and is glad that he and his companions did not get harmed during filming. Guess extinction was rough enough for them. Anyway…

You might ask, “Why this show? And what’s unique about it?” Well, there is a ton of excellent material about stream processing, streaming, Apache Kafka®, Apache Flink®, etc., on the Internet, like blog posts and Kafka Summit talk recordings. However, eventing is not covered very well, and blog posts and talks (even if highly technical), usually don’t delve all the way down. They are also less opinionated (which is where the fun starts).

Off the air, Anna and I talk about eventing in the context of Kafka Streams very often, discussing current developments (KIPs), missing features, pain points, patterns, and new ideas. And we tend to get derailed by a topic, eventually meeting Alice down in the eventing wonderland. So Anna’s idea was to just tape our conversations, and put them on the Internet. It’s our show, and we can talk about what we want to, and dig as deep into technical details as we’d like, no limits attached. Plus we can use as many (good and bad) puns as we can come up with.

We ended up with a format that is a mix of deeply technical content, presented in a not-so-serious way. We had a lot of fun recording it, and we hope you have as much fun watching it. We plan to release once per quarter, so stay tuned for future episodes.

Of course, the show is also about answering your questions. So please reach out to us in the comments section below, on YouTube, or on social media (@jbfletch_ and @MatthiasJSax). Drop us your most burning questions about eventing, to fuel us up for future recordings.

— Long Live the Otter

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Confluent.



Matthias J. Sax

Software Engineer at Confluent | Working on Kafka Streams | Apache Committer and PMC member (Kafka, Flink, Storm)