Conflux’s BTC Layer3 at Bitcoin DevCon: Security, Efficiency, Customizability Defined!

Here’s a recap of our Co-Founder Ming Wu’s speech at Bitcoin DevCon, where he shared insights on Conflux’s upcoming Bitcoin Layer3 architecture.

Conflux Network
Conflux Network
4 min readMay 17, 2024


We’re thrilled to share the exciting highlights from Bitcoin DevCon, where our Co-Founder and CTO, Dr. Ming Wu, took the stage to share his insights into Conflux’s groundbreaking BTC Layer3 architecture.

The conference was a focal point for discussions surrounding Bitcoin’s Layer2 advancements that are driving innovation within the ecosystem. It served as an invaluable platform for developers and visionaries to collectively shape the future trajectory of Bitcoin technology. The hackathon held on May 7th showcased cutting-edge solutions related to Bitcoin’s Layer2 scalability challenges, while Demo Day on May 8th spotlighted ingenious innovations in the realm of cryptocurrency.

To kick things off, Dr. Wu shed light on how high-performance blockchains have successfully addressed the demand for cost-effective transactions at scale — revolutionizing Web3 applications’ diversity and accelerating their mainstream adoption process. While acknowledging society’s growing fascination with MEME Coins, he reminded attendees about blockchain technology’s fundamental role in reducing trust-related costs inherent in traditional systems.

Wu emphasized that bolstering blockchain security is paramount not only for nurturing robust user communities but also for attracting conventional financial institutions towards embracing decentralized technologies under Web3 umbrella — a pivotal step toward shaping tomorrow’s digital economy landscape.

During his presentation on Conflux’s Layer3 architecture, Wu positioned it not merely as an answer to specific challenges faced in Bitcoin Layer2 but rather as a forward-thinking blockchain solution designed to prioritize key elements like security enhancements, scalability improvements, and versatility tailored for diverse requirements — ultimately striving towards achieving “ultimate security,” increased efficiency levels while offering customizability options that can cater to evolving needs.

3 Core Aspects Defining Conflux Layer3

1. Security Sharing: This focuses on collaborative approaches enhancing network protection through shared resources and cooperative strategies among users within the system.

2. Customizable Execution Layer: Emphasizing flexibility, this aspect enables tailored functionalities based on unique demands of different applications or user groups. It allows developers and stakeholders greater control over how their systems operate.

3. Interoperability: Highlighting seamless interaction with external systems or networks ensures smooth integration of Conflux into existing infrastructures without compromising functionality across platforms.

Uniting Bitcoin’s robust value storage capabilities with Conflux’s innovative technology stack through this layered approach users are empowered to actively engage in maintaining network integrity & governance via staking mechanisms whilst enjoying access to a dynamic ecosystem enriched with novel possibilities — effectively infusing fresh energy into the established framework of the Bitcoin system.

By combining these features intelligently within its design principles, Conflux aims not only to address current limitations but also to shape future trends in blockchain innovation — ushering forth a new era where adaptability and collaboration play pivotal roles in driving sustainable growth within decentralized ecosystems such as those powered by cryptocurrency technologies like Bitcoin layer 2 solutions.

Wu’s Analysis of Conflux Spaces’ Advantages and Roadmap for Customizable Virtual Machines

In his analysis, Wu delved into the unique advantages offered by Conflux Spaces in terms of shared security, customizable virtual machines, and interoperability. By conducting a detailed comparison of network structures, he highlighted how these factors set Conflux apart from its competitors.

When outlining three key directions for enhancing Conflux’s customizable virtual machines, Wu proposed innovative solutions aimed at elevating developer experiences and advancing blockchain technology:

1. Move Language Ecosystem Virtual Machine: This initiative aims to revolutionize the development experience by providing developers with an extensive suite of tools designed to boost productivity and streamline workflows.

2. High-Performance EVM Based on Parallel Technology: To address transaction speed limitations while ensuring compatibility with existing Ethereum applications, this approach focuses on leveraging parallel technologies within a high-performance environment.

3. AI-Enhanced Smart Contract Virtual Machine: Through harnessing artificial intelligence capabilities in smart contract execution processes, this strategic direction seeks to optimize efficiency levels significantly while enabling more sophisticated functionalities within the broader blockchain ecosystem.

While presenting these concepts on stage, Wu emphasized that their inception was not impulsive but rather rooted in early-stage research, design iterations, and development efforts. Notably, the underlying theories supporting these innovations were disseminated through publications at prestigious software engineering conferences such as ICSE in 2022.

Wu’s Vision for Conflux’s Layer3 Architecture

In Wu’s eyes, the innovative Conflux Layer3 architecture has the potential to revolutionize entry points for developers within the blockchain ecosystem and Web3 co-builders. Not only does it promise new avenues of exploration but also offers fresh paradigms and concepts that could shape future developments across diverse public chains.

With its unique attributes and capabilities, Conflux Layer3 sets out to redefine how we engage with decentralized technologies while paving the way for a more inclusive, collaborative digital landscape ahead.



Conflux Network
Conflux Network

Conflux is a PoW + PoS hybrid first layer consensus blockchain for dApps that require speed at scale, without sacrificing decentralization.