Fren Pet: Bridging Web3 Innovations with Classic Gaming

Conflux Network
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2024
Author: Jhony

This article delves into Fren Pet, a play-to-earn mobile game that uniquely integrates Web3 technology into a familiar gaming format, reminiscent of the classic Tamagochi. We explore its features, gameplay mechanics, and the significant role it plays in introducing blockchain and crypto technology to a broader audience.

Introducing Fren Pet

Fren Pet emerges as an innovative game built on Base, the Coinbase EVM sidechain, blending nostalgic elements of virtual pet games with the latest in blockchain technology. Drawing inspiration from the iconic Tamagochi toys of the late 90s and early 2000s, Fren Pet offers an immersive environment for players to nurture and compete with their virtual pets.

How to Play?

Embarking on the Fren Pet adventure involves a few key steps:

  1. Starting the Game: Players access the game by visiting on a mobile device.
  2. Account Setup: Signing up with an email automatically creates a Base wallet for the player.
  3. Funding and Bridging: Players then bridge ETH to Base and fund their Fren Pet wallet.
  4. Token Conversion and Pet Acquisition: To mint a Pet NFT, players convert their ETH to $FP tokens on Fren Pet and use 10 $FP for minting.
Source: CoinGecko

Gameplay Mechanics and Features

Once players have their Pet NFT, they embark on a journey filled with strategic decisions and interactive gameplay:

  1. Pet Lifespan Management (Time Until Death — TOD): Each pet has a predetermined TOD. Failure to feed the pet before this deadline results in its death and the burning of its NFT. Players must regularly purchase food to keep their pets alive.
  2. Points System: Points accumulation is crucial for climbing the leaderboard, influencing reward distribution.
  3. Interactive Player Actions:
  • Attacking Other Pets: Players can attack pets ranked above them every 15 minutes, with a 40% chance of success, earning 0.5% of the opponent’s points.
  • Shield Purchases: To protect pets from attacks, players can buy a 24-hour shield.
  • Insurance Policies: In case of a pet’s demise, insurance provides a 5-day TOD extension, giving players extra time to strategize.
  • Daily Mini-Game (Spin The Wheel): Players get a daily opportunity to win various rewards, including points and TOD extensions.
  • Dice Roll Mini-Game: For 100 FP, players engage in a dice game with a 1/6 chance of winning 500 FP.
  • Hibernation Feature: If a pet is not fed, other players can send it to hibernation, securing a star reward. This period lasts for 7 days, during which points and items are preserved.

4. Carrot System: An additional aspect is the carrot system where players earn carrots daily, with plans for a future trading system.

Economic Model and Taxation in Fren Pet

A unique aspect of Fren Pet’s economy involves a 5% tax implemented on every transaction involving the purchase or sale of $FP tokens on BaseSwap. The accumulated funds from this taxation are distributed as follows:

  1. Rewarding Players: 2% of the accumulated funds are distributed as rewards to the game’s players.
  2. Developer Compensation: Another 2% is allocated to the developers of Fren Pet.
  3. Liquidity Provision: The remaining 1% is reinvested into the game’s liquidity to support the FP economy.

In-game, the usage of $FP tokens follows a stringent policy where 90% is burned, and 10% is sent to referrals, ensuring a balanced and sustainable economic model.

Future Outlook

Despite its innovative use of blockchain technology in a familiar gaming format, Fren Pet faces several challenges. The game’s design and user interface, while functional, do not meet the futuristic expectations of modern gamers. The gameplay is straightforward yet demands consistent player interaction, which may be a deterrent for those unable to commit regularly. The reliance on the Base chain for user traffic and the susceptibility to server overloads during high-traffic periods indicate a need for more robust infrastructure and independent marketing strategies.

Looking ahead, the sustainability of Fren Pet’s FOMO-driven gameplay model remains uncertain. As the novelty of blockchain integration in gaming evolves, Fren Pet will need to address these design and engagement issues to maintain player interest and stay relevant in the competitive gaming market.

Source: Dune Analytics

