Hacking Decentralized Commerce Winners

The first Conflux Network hackathon is complete. Congratulations to the winners!

Conflux Network
Conflux Network
Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2020


We launched the Conflux Network mainnet on October 29th, and in celebration, kicked off our first hackathon — Hacking Decentralized Commerce — on November 2nd! Over three weeks, Hacking Decentralized Commerce brought in a diverse range of applications and ideas ranging from cross-chain tokens to governance.

Thank you to all the participants and developers who spent time building and supporting the community to make this event possible. Many thanks to our partners — Aave, Chainlink, Gitcoin — and our judges: Fan Long, Eden Dhaliwal, Stani Kulechov, David Truong, Adelyn Zhou, and Patrick Collins.

Hackathon Showcase and Meetup

The winners of the hackathon will also be able to participate in meetup and demo day next Tuesday, December 1st at 3 pm (Eastern Time). Join us for a panel on the future of Web3 from a developer’s perspective with panelists from Conflux Network, Chainlink, The Graph, and Gitcoin. Then stay on to see our hackathon winners showcase their projects!

Without further ado, here are the winners of the first Conflux Network hackathon!

Grand Prize + Aave Track Winner

Prize Amount: 40,000 CFX + (10,000 CFX + $1,000 of aUSDC)

Interest Prize Dollar

Interest Prize Dollar is a combination of Aave and Conflux technology to encourage users to spend tokens. Tokens on Ethereum can be converted to Aave aTokens to earn interest, the aTokens are then wrapped and sent over to Conflux Network to take advantage of low transaction fees and high transaction rates. The aToken interest on Ethereum is then distributed via a lottery on Conflux Network where token users can increase their chances of winning by increasing the number of transactions that include the token.

Second Place

Prize Amount: 25,000 CFX


Fluxgift is a bill payment and gift card service that uses Conflux Network tokens (CFX) as a means of payment. Fluxgift leverages the high transaction rates and low confirmation times on Conflux Network to quickly process payments in a user-friendly and clean interface. Additionally, it leverages Conflux Network’s transaction sponsorship mechanism to allow users to pay bills without typical blockchain transaction fees.

Third Place + Chainlink Track Winner

Prize Amount: 10,000 CFX + (10,000 CFX + $1,000 in LINK)


Polaris is a decentralized, transparent, fair, no-loss lottery platform built on Conflux Network for low transaction fees to further reduce user expenses. The Aave protocol is used to generate interest which is distributed as prizes for no participant losses. Chainlink oracles are then used to integrate randomness and can be used to connect external APIs that provide sports results.

Honorable Mentions

More interesting projects! These didn’t make the final cut, but still deserve to share the spotlight. Check them out below:

Cross Sync

Cross Sync is a cross chain protocol to swap CFX with ETH and vice versa. Liquidity pools are maintained between the two chains to facilitate the swaps and liquidity providers earn rewards for providing liquidity.


kTokens are a wrapper for aTokens with non-increasing balance to solve an issue with cross-chain aTokens. When an aToken is moved to and from Conflux Network, it is a direct 1:1 mapping where interest generated while the aToken is on Conflux Network is lost to the ShuttleFlow cross-chain wallet. kTokens are wrapped aTokens that can be moved across chains and redeemed for aTokens and the accumulated interest.

About Conflux Network

The only state endorsed public, permissionless blockchain project in China, Conflux Network is an open-source, layer-1 blockchain protocol delivering heightened scalability, security, and extensibility for the next generation of open commerce, decentralized applications, financial services, and Web 3.0. Conflux Network is overseen by a global team of world-class engineers and innovative computer scientists, led by Turing Award recipient Dr. Andrew Yao. Fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, Conflux elevates startups and organizations across industries and continents to generate decentralized marketplaces and digital assets for meaningful business and social impact. Founded in 2018, Conflux has raised $35 million in capital from prominent investors including Sequoia China, Metastable, Baidu Ventures, F2Pool, Huobi, IMO Ventures, and the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission.

Please note: Participants maintain the sole responsibility of abiding by applicable laws and regulations regarding their software and prizes. Conflux Network hackathon prizes are not endorsements, but a judgement on interesting and innovative ideas.



Conflux Network
Conflux Network

Conflux is a PoW + PoS hybrid first layer consensus blockchain for dApps that require speed at scale, without sacrificing decentralization.