Introducing Conflux eSpace Integration Grants — 2024 Update

The Integration grant is open to all projects looking to deploy on Conflux eSpace and in need of assistance to go live on the chain.

Conflux Network
Conflux Network
2 min readJun 27, 2024


We’re thrilled to announce that we have significantly enhanced our ecosystem grants program. The Integration grant is now more accessible than ever for any innovative project aiming to deploy on Conflux eSpace. Whether you are a seasoned developer or an emerging startup, if you are seeking robust support to launch on the chain, this grant is designed for you.

Conflux Grants Objectives:

  • Foster a diverse ecosystem to attract liquidity.
  • Boost the vitality of the Conflux network.
  • Expand the Conflux technology stack with developer tools and infrastructure.
  • Increase the number of developers and projects on Conflux.

We’re currently focusing on onboarding:

  • Lending protocols to innovate the DeFi landscape
  • SoFi protocols to revolutionize financial services
  • DEXs to enhance market efficiency and liquidity
  • Yield farming or vault protocols to maximize returns for users
  • Derivative protocols to offer advanced financial instruments
  • RWA protocols to bridge real-world assets with blockchain

Join us in shaping the future of decentralized finance and technology on Conflux!

How to Apply

  • Apply on Forum: Fill out the grant application form and submit.
  • Evaluation: A committee member will assess the project in-depth and present it to the committee.
  • Decision: Projects that win the majority of the committee’s votes will be awarded a grant.
  • Deployment: Accepted projects will be deployed and announced.
  • Monitoring: Progress tracked and grants dispersed based on milestones agreed upon.

Join us in accelerating your project on the chain. Apply now to access resources and support for your Conflux launch.



Conflux Network
Conflux Network

Conflux is a PoW + PoS hybrid first layer consensus blockchain for dApps that require speed at scale, without sacrificing decentralization.