Supercharge Security and Asset Management with Conflux’s Bitcoin Layer 2 Solution

This article delves into the integration of Conflux with the Bitcoin network, highlighting its potential impact on asset management and network security within the blockchain industry.

Conflux Network
Conflux Network
5 min readJan 25, 2024


In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, achieving scalability, security, and interoperability is of paramount importance for driving innovation. This article delves into the integration of Conflux with the Bitcoin network, highlighting its potential impact on asset management and network security within the blockchain industry.

Conflux’s Integration with Bitcoin: A Game-Changing Move

By integrating with the Bitcoin network, Conflux aims to revolutionize asset management and network security. One key aspect of this integration is the use of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus in Conflux, which acts as a reliable Bitcoin Oracle. Through internal contracts, it provides comprehensive metadata about the Bitcoin network, including the Merkle root of all qualifying inscriptions. This functionality enables on-chain contracts on the Conflux network to access and respond to events occurring on the Bitcoin blockchain, thereby facilitating a closer integration between the two ecosystems.

Now, let’s delve into the technical details of our network and explore the strategies we have developed to accomplish our goals.

Reinventing the Consensus Protocol

Recording the Root Hash of the Latest Ledger State on the Bitcoin Network

The integration of Conflux with the Bitcoin network includes recording the root hash of the latest ledger state on the Bitcoin blockchain. This essential process anchors the state of the Conflux network to the widely-recognized Bitcoin network, ensuring synchronization. The root hash serves as a concise and verifiable summary of the entire ledger’s state, offering a clear representation of the network’s status at any given time.

Preventing Double Spending in Worst-Case Scenarios

In the event that 51% of the network’s hash power and 67% of Conflux’s PoS nodes are maliciously controlled, the system is specifically designed to prevent double spending. It accomplishes this by ensuring that cross-chain bridges and exchanges do not acknowledge block histories that deviate from the mainnet’s root hash recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain. By leveraging the robustness of the Bitcoin network, this mechanism adds an extra layer of security to safeguard against potential attacks on the Conflux network.

Building Secure Asset Bridge

Introducing VSS-based Key for Decentralized Management of BTC Assets

Conflux’s PoS consensus will utilize Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS)-based key sharing to achieve decentralized management of Bitcoin (BTC) assets. VSS is a cryptographic technique that enables the distribution of a secret, such as a private key, among multiple participants, with each holding a share of the secret. Only when enough shares are combined can the key be reconstructed and utilized, guaranteeing that no entity can exert control over the assets.

Introducing VSS-based Key for Decentralized Management of BTC Assets

Conflux’s PoS consensus will utilize Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS)-based key sharing to achieve decentralized management of Bitcoin (BTC) assets. VSS is a cryptographic technique that enables the distribution of a secret, such as a private key, among multiple participants, with each holding a share of the secret. Only when enough shares are combined can the key be reconstructed and utilized, guaranteeing that no entity can exert control over the assets.

Bridged Assets Management

Incoming Assets: Conflux utilizes a stable receiving address to handle incoming BTC assets. As the PoS nodes rotate, the secret share of this receiving address is transferred to the succeeding PoS committee through the Dynamic Proactive Secret Share (DPSS) protocol.

The DPSS protocol is a cybersecurity method that safeguards sensitive information by dividing it into multiple shares and distributing them among participants. Unlike traditional secret sharing, DPSS is dynamic, allowing for changes or updates to shares over time without compromising the original secret. It is also proactive, ensuring that shares are regularly refreshed to prevent compromise. This protocol enables secure and dynamic management of secret shares, guaranteeing that the private key remains protected and accessible only to the current committee.

Rotation and Accumulation: The received assets are then accumulated in another address, with the key changing during each committee rotation. This approach ensures that previous committees cannot access funds in subsequent aggregation addresses, thereby enhancing the security of the bridged assets.

Support for Ordinals and Inscription Protocols

Conflux’s PoS consensus will incorporate support for Ordinals and other Inscription protocols. These protocols play a crucial role in maintaining consistency throughout the asset bridging process. Ordinals treat each satoshi as a non-fungible token (NFT), while Inscriptions refer to the raw data inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain. Conflux is committed to ensuring the consistent application and maintenance of these protocols during the transfer and management of assets on its network.


To summarize, this integration opens up opportunities for innovative applications that can leverage both networks simultaneously. Developers can create decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions that bridge assets between Conflux and Bitcoin, expanding liquidity options while maintaining interoperability across blockchains.

Overall, this groundbreaking integration showcases how Conflux’s adoption of PoS consensus as a dependable Bitcoin Oracle revolutionizes asset management strategies while reinforcing network security measures within the dynamic landscape of blockchain technology.



Conflux Network
Conflux Network

Conflux is a PoW + PoS hybrid first layer consensus blockchain for dApps that require speed at scale, without sacrificing decentralization.