Every Day I’m Shuffling—or How to Get Out of a Funk

Lori Worsencroft
A Writer’s Journal
2 min readFeb 21, 2014


Do you ever get in a funk—you can’t put your finger on it but something just isn’t right?

Even the elite—successful businessmen, Forbes writers, and the wealthy—can get into a funk. Meet Joshua Steimle. He recently wrote Vulnerable, Confused, & Happy. Even he feels like he doesn’t know what to do with his life—he’s looking for his primary motivation—but he continues on to say, “I love learning. And I love sharing what I’ve learned. I love helping other people grow and succeed.” (I think he found his primary motivation, and the more he does these things, the better he’ll feel.)

The supreme emotion is love. Union and mutual assistance are the imperatives of life. We are all in this together. — Steven Pressfeild, The War of Art

It’s when we are aligned with our true Self (the purest form of our being—the opposite of our ego) that we are living at our full potential and are completely fulfilled. Here are three elements to aligning to our true selves (a.k.a. The Funk Extinguisher).

The Funk Extinguisher

(1) Learn (and then teach)

(2) Help others

(3) Be a part of something

The good news is this doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to be three separate, time-consuming endeavors. Coincidentally, they can all be rolled into one gratifying venture. The trick, though, is to do it consistently.

Consistently learning and then teaching/sharing is how you become a part of something. It’s really that simple.

Today I learned…then I shared…and that helped…others and myself…now I’m happy.

As an example, writing is a great platform to help others by sharing what you learn. And on Medium, you can be a part of something—a small army, making a difference every day in the lives of others.

If it matters to you, it will matter to others. Share and blossom together.

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Lori Worsencroft
A Writer’s Journal

Uninhibited, empowering writer with a zest for life and sharing all its wild and inspiring experiences. Join me?