My God is Near Me All the Time

For the past millennium hymns have significantly impacted the church by shaping the theologies of young Christians. Barbara Gaultney, female composer and poet, is one of these hymn writers who respectfully received recognition for her hymn titled “My God is Near Me All the Time” in 1960.

A Divine Hymn of Natural Theology

At first read, without music, we notice the author witnessing a brutal storm. For example, the verses speak of lightning flashing and thunder shaking “the mighty hills.” The author mirrors the strength of the storm with God’s breath-taking omnipotence. By the third verse the rain subsides while God’s “nearness” is shown in the form of a rainbow in the heart of the writer.

A Sense-ful Refrain

While the verses are full of vivid imagery, following is a refrain that expresses three of the author’s senses: sight, hearing, and touch. Barbara gets more personal by reminding herself that God’s presence is always near while experiencing the storm. It is through the event that she is able to grasp the concept that God’s promise (the rainbow) is with her.

Hymn for Jesus?

It’s very possible the writer is referring to natural theology, that is, the existence of God revealed in nature apart from his divine revelation. If you pay attention to this hymn closely, there is no reference of Jesus Christ. There is no mention of his work, life or name. Think about it. This hymn could technically be sung without guilt by those of a different faith.

Of course, the intent of Barbara was for the Christian God, the one and only God who incarnated himself to be near all those who believe in Jesus. This is what makes “My God is Near Me All the Time” a divine hymn of natural theology. In no way do I believe she was trying to enforce general revelation on her listeners. In fact, her hymn reminds me of the psalms David wrote when would associate God’s presence, or voice, within the events of nature.

The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
The God of glory thunders;
The Lord is over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
The voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

Psalm 29:3–4

The following video is a remake of Barbara Gaultney’s hymn by Terry Warren in 2008

Lyrics (1960)

In the lightning flash across the sky
His mighty pow’r I see,
And I know if He can reign on high,
His light can shine on me.

I’ve seen it in the lightning, heard it in the thunder,
And felt it in the rain;
My Lord is near me all the time,
My Lord is near me all the time.

When the thunder shakes the mighty hills
And trembles ev’ry tree,
Then I know a God so great and strong
Can surely harbor me.

I’ve seen it in the lightning, heard it in the thunder,
And felt it in the rain;
My Lord is near me all the time,
My Lord is near me all the time.

When refreshing showers cool the earth
And sweep across the sea,
Then His rainbow shines within my heart,
His nearness comforts me.

I’ve seen it in the lightning, heard it in the thunder,
And felt it in the rain;
My Lord is near me all the time,
My Lord is near me all the time.



Jordan Gutierrez
Reflections on Music, Worship, and Spiritual Formation

Worship Leader and Youth Director of Westlawn Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX