Trying to Go it Alone: Practicing Spiritual Disciplines in Ministry

Ministry is not only God’s calling upon your life, but a great blessing as well. Whether vocational, bi-vocational, or by volunteering, we are blessed to have an impact on the people surrounding us. But too often, especially today, we hear of ministry burnout. God’s called leaders, becoming tired, depressed, and empty. Take heart in knowing that you’re not the only one, but there are things we can do in order to keep ourselves afloat.

First, find either an older man or woman, on your church staff or not, that can begin a mentorship with you, whether it’s your immediate pastor or someone in the church you trust. This person has been doing ministry longer than you! They know the pitfalls that come with the job. Personally, I’ve found it greatly beneficial to discuss my concerns aloud. Too often as leaders we feel we have to shoulder the burden alone, but that is simply untrue. Create the culture of friendship, openness, and accountability, so that all of you can be better equipped to help God’s people.

Next, keep in the Word. Personally, I confuse my work at the church as my time with God. God desires to still have a relationship with us, especially in our calling! He not only put you in your position, but wants to see you succeed as any good father does. Be extra diligent and intentional on making sure that preparing a small group study or planning a worship service should be different from our alone time with God.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for time off. Missing a handful of Sundays out of the year can help you recharge. Sleep in and go visit another church! Our other church leaders and teams of people built around our ministries should be well equipped to get through a few Sundays on their own. While you rest, use that time as a teaching tool. Help your team to see what you do to plan and execute on a weekly basis, and ask them to do a week. Not only do you get time away to rest, visit friends, and spend time with family, but your team around you grows, and people will begin to develop and further their own talents and abilities. This makes everyone stronger!

It is a privilege to be called to God’s ministry. It is an honor to be chosen and used by Him to further the kingdom, but know that we are not made to do it alone. Luckily, we have our many brothers and sisters around us to help, and shape each other into true disciples of Christ.

